Witness nothing less than a landslide people. Attest to this political mauling. Shout it from the rooftops while the major American media volunteer a deaf ear. Even the creators of the poll, worldnetdaily, while honest enough to keep it there for the world to see had to make another 'suggestion' for who the real winner was according to 'accepted' opinion holders. Sneaky bastards. Read on and let's have an honest discussion before we forget what one looks like...
It has been so long since the American populace has been presented with a man of integrity and adherence to the law that I believe there's a bit of shell shock happening. Luckily folks seem to remember that there was a time in the country where the freakazoid politician was the exception, and not the rule such as it stands today.
The poll you see here was taken after the most recent presidential debate and published on 9/18/07. You may check www.wnd.com in their poll history to validate my veracity on the matter. This notwithstanding,the headliner was "Huckabee wins
Republican poll Garners 63% of delegates selected by leading activists." If that's the case, then not only is Worldnetdaily but also these 63% of
I have absolutely had it with media elections in our country telling us who our choices are to vote on and how these 'bottom tier' candidates do not have a chance. Screw you and the money that bought ya. When I'm done voting for the individual I believe will follow the Constitution and get the ever imposing, ever expanding Imperial Federal Government out of my life (and yours, btw) it's easy to look at myself in the mirror the next morning. How many times can we be shaken in our own hide and yet be proud of voting for the lesser of two evils? Even the lesser of two evils is still EVIL as evidenced by the continual moral and fiscal slide our country has been on. Lawlessness, as defined by breaking the very laws set out in the Constitution has run rampant in Washington as you, good reader, know all too well.
Back to the poll. This, in virtually every fair assessment is known as pummeling. Ron Paul has decimated the 'top tier' candidates you're told you'll have to vote for and will continue to do so. How long before we have the courage to effect REAL change in this country. Certainly there's not a dime's worth of difference in Democrats or Republicans and most people I speak with about this issue would agree to that. If you disagree, I welcome your comments below but please let's not have another Hyperbole hour with CNN as evidence for the contrast. Action by political parties and your assessment thereof is what we're looking for.
As I see it, it's just a matter of which party sinks the good ship America first. The graft-laden, corruption filled, and anything goes politicians have enjoyed their last days of abusing me, my fellow countrymen, the system and their positions. I vow to re-elect no-one. I don't care what color you are, how much you've 'accomplished' in your 30 years on the public dole, or what letter you assign yourself. And any freshman politician that thinks his new position is the start of a beautiful, profitable career will be bounced just as quickly. Gheesh, I feel like I've sprung into action. Perhaps it's true and if so it's because I can finally hear a politician on the world stage actually use the word freedom and know what it means. Ron Paul discusses Constitutional boundaries, and non-interventionalist foreign policy to ever present eye rolling of that free-speech hater McCain, or the pick-a-fight-for-publicity Guiliani. Heck, even the host at the Value Voters was following all the other interviewers who are, in my opinion, hostile to Ron Paul. Here's a clip from Fox News that is supposedly sympathetic to the conservative outlook:
In answer to the leading question on the Fox News Screen above asking "what do you think?" the answer is that I think the establishment is scared shitless of the man who seeks to restore liberty thus reducing federal control over all our lives and whose message resonates with every fair minded American who wants a better tomorrow.
I remember when Michigan (my alma mater) won the NIT and I got nekkid and ran through the streets screaming "WE'RE NUMBER 65!! WE'RE NUMBER 65!!!".
Paul has generated a lot of excitement. He's been a top 3 finisher in every debate and has a pretty good grassroots campaign going. I think a lot of the fire comes from Libertarian party hold outs who really are excited to see one of their own on the big stage.
He definitely is a man of ideas. Unfortunately, I think the electorate is looking for a man of accomplishment. He's drafted a ton of legislation, but not much of it has sprouted legs and moved.
Why? More often than not, I hear that the electorate is too stoopid to understand.
I'm sure most of us have heard that the true definition of insanity is repeating the same behavior, yet still expecting a different result.
I'm sure Ron Paul is a good man, a fine man, and an outstanding individual. But will it be 2009 before he's the butt of all our jokes?
I'll be in Spain for several weeks, then back to England, so I'll try to keep you updated on how stupid us Americans are!
Ron Paul! Ron Paul! Ron Paul! Ron Paul! (Can you hear the adoring fans screaming in the background?)
I love this guy!
It's rare to see someone that's actually educated themselves and also has a voice to project their well established opinion!
I do agree with the libertarian party. However I picture a basket of helpless cute baby kittens striking more of an inluence on the American minds.
No doubt {meow} it's a long tough road but if it were easy, everyone would do it. Over the years if you've watched votes in the House (get a life!) occasionally there's a 385-1, or a 425-1 and you can be comforted in your heart that Dr. No (Ron Paul) is the underdog standing proudly alone against all other representatives based on principle and law. To my mind this is clear evidence of backbone, integrity, and most of
all leadership. Let's follow Ron on the Road less Traveled despite what alphabet soup (abccbsnbcmsnbccnn)has to say about it.
There are lots of interviews with Dr. Paul on youtube and I agree he does make a lot of sense. For whatever my support is worth I hope to see him get some political traction. People I've spoken with (who don't say Ron who?) seem to be receiving the message warmly. Take heart kiddo, this has the look and feel of a good old-fashioned grass-roots movement.
A few valium and some Smirnoff and a novel idea...Couldn't we pull off a campaign comercial that's a complete rip off of AOL and their "network"
We could all pose in the background supporting Ron Paul and be one large voice and Ron could say "Hey, I just brought along a few members of my network"!
We could even have the Energizer Bunny in the mix somewhere! Okay, that's the valium.
I like the idea. I'm partial to writing a song and having some Ron Paul Girls sing it with a catchy beat. Viral Marketing in the form of the ronpaulrevolution.com can help sweep it into the mainstream. I think using the term 'revolution' in the ad campaign (done by individuals not associated w/Ron's official marketing team) is brilliant. Maybe a spinoff song to the Beatles "you say you want a rev-o-lu-tion."
I'll indulge you in your assessment of paul's chances by saying:
if ron paul doesn't win his hyper-dedicated grass-roots organization will become the winner's worst nightmare...
just ask old saul anuzis how paul's then fledgling organization brought the RNC to its knees....
over 200 phone calls per hour back when he only had a few thousand meet-up members... now there are nearly 54,000 of them. this may be even more fun, as its probably true that if ron paul were to be elected he would probably be JFK-ed or Lincoln-ed.
I too had shuddered at the thought of a great man being removed from office for not towing the establishment line. Certainly Dr. Paul knows the risks but I believe we'd be better served now by concentrating on getting him there first and then keeping a watchful eye on the K-street thugs.
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