Much to the chagrin of liberals everywhere a hauntingly articulate bombshell has taken over the nether regions of American political dialogue. Few political pundits these days can perform the verbal gymnastics and media hypnotization as well as Ann Coulter. Does it hurt that she’s got legs that shoot all the way to Heaven? Nopers, not one bit. In addition to being smart and controversial she’s also particularly witty and will draw large crowds hell-bent on having fun at some politician’s expense or, if they’re young, a chance to improve their aim with vegetables and fruit pies. No matter the venue Ann is sure to pull a Madonna and cause the kind of commotion we all relish witnessing.
Her latest foray into choppy waters coincided coincidentally with the launching of her new book “If Democrats Had Any Brains They'd Be Republicans” or so the Germans would have us believe. Throngs of readers rushed to purchase this missive from the blonde Miss as their new political marching orders were available without a drop of political correctness to be found. Some declare that when it comes to written expression this lady’s got some nirvana! While being far from the poster child for right-wing representation she certainly has carved out a niche within the political spectrum consisting of spontaneously erupting new citizen groups such as:
• Blondes for Coulter telling you we told you so!
• Citizens for attractive conservative representation
• Inspiration by Perspiration: Coulter Undressed
• Everyone Behind Ann (Group has some disclaimer)
While some media darlings toe the line of proper etiquette and ideology Miss Coulter has bucked this trendy trend and speaks her mind while simultaneously embodying the feelings of many more ordinary Americans. The Cult of Coulter has arisen from a long apathetic sleep and are now emboldened by the high priestess of unconventional method. Expectations for her continued success are using benchmarks in the form of such momentous events as causing an on-stage coronary by James Carville during debate, the formation of the Electric Slide-like Coulter Dance, whose lyrics purportedly have no mention of the word ‘fag’, and ultimately monitoring the reaction of Bill Clinton after a devilish Coulter wink (pitting Bill’s upper sensitivities to his lower insensitive ones).
The she-devil has been on the scene for some time now with no apparent loss of verbal force. I anticipate continued Republican high expectations with continued Democratic pucker-factors in the stratosphere. Indeed Miss Coulter keep things going, and growing.
1 comment:
If Bill O'Reilly was a woman he would be Ann Coulter.
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