I've been concerned about China for some time particularly in reference to their discipline. The U.S. is their number one enemy, according to the Chinese ministry, and it seems they're assiduously preparing for a confrontation on all fronts, not just militarily. Now, preparing and actually engaging are two entirely different things but in the event of a shore invasion on Taiwan, or knocking out a spy satellite they're uncomfortable with, they'll be ready...and readier every day.
It was disturbing to pull my head out of the ground only to see our national sovereignty disappear before my very eyes. The Chinese decided to rattle the saber of liquidation of American Treasury Bills, bonds, to the tune of 1.5 Trillion, that's with a T folks. What it means, in essence, is that our economic health is no longer in our hands and they can, at any time decide to 'cash in' sending our economy in a downward spiral. To compensate, the Federal Reserve would be forced to just print money, since we left the gold standard (foolishly) years ago and replaced currency backing with 'I.O.U.'s. Terrific. What happens when the Fed just prints money, you say? Typically the result is interest rates in the nose bleed section, in double digits the likes of which would make even Jimmy Carter blush.
This is not a lesson on the economy, or economic policy, but rather a wake up call to those who value some semblance of security in this land by the lever-pullers in the House and Senate. To say they've failed miserably is an understatement of massive proportion and many times it takes years to uncover the effects of the incessant graft & corruption made manifest in our esteemed leaders.
I believe the threat of liquidation by China, and it is indeed a threat, is in response to a backlash against tainted imported Chinese goods. From dog food, to tooth paste, to children's toys to the hot-off-the-presses embalming fluid found in pajamas, the business practices of that country shall not be interfered with from a pesky American consumer. Plus, Washington dare not attempt to stifle the imports or add fuel to this fire lest their suicidal game of selling out the country to the highest bidder be revealed for one and all to see.
At least we know how honorable the Chinese are as the toy company president took his own life from the embarrassment of the public scandal. He certainly was not bumped off to give that appearance. Wink. Nod.
At the end of the day though it's not the fault of foreign countries for supporting our financial infrastructure in light of the heretofore stability of our currency. It's our fault for not saving individually, for spending and borrowing like there's no tomorrow on a national level, and not making our lawmakers accountable for all the unconstitutional giveaways that bankrupt the country but generate votes. It's all coming to a head and it's going to be very, very painful.
Time to invest in a small stash of silver and/or gold! Now is a good time to buy because the price of silver and gold has fallen in recent weeks due to the subprime mortgage crisis.
I'm beginning to wonder how much the gold brick my grandmother used as a doorstop is worth? I always thought it was just pretty.
Did I mention how poorly the Euro has been doing?
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