Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Snoop

Engaged in quite unsavory computer detective work today. The subject is an out of control 16 year old girl (redundant, I know) causing her mother incredible amounts of angst. Had she been 18 I would have declined the work based on privacy issues but as a minor I can justify the search for images, videos, nasty text and the like in an effort to rescue her from the inevitable pregnancy.

Surprisingly when I did encounter some more salacious material I realized that I had, in no way, any desire to actually route through it. Instead, I simply copied all the stuff to a flash drive and let the mom do what she thought best. I did however have a dry-heave reaction to her written words, if it's still English that we all speak. I can let slide the acronyms such as JIK, OMG, WTF, but the handling of basic sentence structure is horrific! Here's some copy:

him and joycelyn had been
broken up for like 3 months and so he was explaining about her and
everything and then when we're the mall i guess she stalked his page or
something and saw i was hanging with him and she FLIPPED HER SHIT and called
him and was like wtf! and then left him a comment...

Perhaps when we're old these will be the 'adults' who take care of us, man the
government offices, and generally decide the direction of the country. Comfortable?

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