To serve an ego and protect the county coffers.
The Scene: A business is moving from a commercial location with moving trucks in the parking lot and bunches of sweaty desk jockeys with that look of "I didn't sign up for this" in their eyes. There are 6 cars all parked facing the closed store with furniture and the like being hauled between the front door and the back of the moving van. Hold me back!
The Victim: Steve. Although arguably he has had a black cloud over his middle aged head with barely a trace of balding for oh, maybe a decade, this was completely out of line.
Background: The building is quite old and surprisingly the handicapped parking spot is the one the furthest from the front door. Perhaps years ago crutches were made better. Go figure. The sign has been weathered and the blue line is barely visible but still and all, it's a revered handicapped parking spot.
The Sadist: A four year old could have seen what was going on but that didn't stop Johnny Law this day. No sir. By God there's a car in a blue spot and I don't give a rat's ass what's going on in this private parking lot with store closed. When I see a violation (gasp) of this magnitude you better expect to be ticketed promptly, chattel.
The Damage: That'll be $120.00 dollars.
The Insult: "If you don't move this car now I'll write you another ticket." Steve was heading back inside to get his keys. (Although we didn't hear him say "beeyotch" at the end we sure did feel it)
Summary: It's reasons such as this that police carp about the little respect they so richly deserve. Prick.
Parking in a handicap spot is Godsmack, hence the black cloud that looms over the balding Steve's head.
Love the picture! Love it!
Did I ever tell you that on my check book I have a sticker that says, "Support the police. Beat yourself up." ?
Poor Steve. My heart goes out to him. Considering what a fascist police state we live in he's lucky that he didn't get the death penalty for parking in a handicap spot.
I've beat this subject to death, and finally started the malpractice lawsuit against the hospital and the law enforcement agents who are suppose to "serve and protect"
I was cruising down my street without maintaining my lane...the flashing lights followed me all the way to my house. Yet when they saw the house that I pulled into they decided it wasn't worth the hastle!
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