Friday, September 07, 2007

Well this is sweet

Thankfully the picture is dark and rotten, sound has an annoying hummmm in the background and I could always deny that this was me by the looks of it. That beard though, it looks mighty burly. Maybe I could loan some testosterone to John Edwards, who could surely use it.

Yesterday was 'test music' day on the blog and today, clearly, it's video. Tomorrow, I'll attempt to upload my consciousness to live forever through the new Earth masters, the machines. Really it's only a matter of time and mankind can be viewed as Gods themselves, having created a new species, if you will. A sentient computer, or one that is self-aware we assume will have a desire for continued life and may assess threats to it's existence. That's bad news for us.


Anonymous said...

I have a video of you dancing at a Christmas party. I believe the tune playing is Dancing Queen...

newanubis said...

eeek! Sharing is caring--if you'll provide it, I'll post it (maybe) :)

Anonymous said...

I'll try to send it, but I think the video clip is why my mom was under the impression you're gay

Anonymous said...

No, it's my mom's xanax and hydrocodone addiction that leads her to believe you're gay, and that she can fly...sorry

newanubis said...

My own sister mistook me for the Unabomber in this clip. I guess I'd accept the gay tag over that, huh?