Been quieted of late due to Hell on Earth in the form of this
Will return to our regular programming later this week!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
These are magnificent creatures. Smart, wily, and met with fear and respect by anyone within sight of one. The wolf pack live and hunt together and it would appear that there are very few unprovoked attacks on humans. The most dangerous encounter would be with a lone wolf as he is likely rabid and highly aggressive as was seen in the story of Old Yeller. Do not run. Sometimes shouting and a careful, slow backward walk will avert tragedy. If you're with your dog he'll likely want to confront the wolf in order to protect you and there's not much you can do in that situation. The idea of leaving your pet to face this giant, fierce animal is sickening but likely necessary. In a fur-flying fight with a single rabid wolf your dog may have a remote chance of survival but since there's usually a pack Fido's only chance to make it home with you is if you're armed or you can convince your dog to run away as that would also give him a chance.
As our population keeps increasing in size more and more of nature's creatures have less and less room, habitat. Encounters with wild animals struggling for survival become more prevalent and news of such is beamed throughout the world via the internet. Man's early encounters with wolves in the U.S. (1920-1930) began a federal extermination program that left them near extinction. The story of Little Red Riding Hood, those horrid leg traps, and the shoot on sight mentality of our great-grandparents has engendered a perpetuating fear when there really ought not be one. Most wolves avoid man (they're smart, remember) and unless you're hiking and stumble on a recent kill with the pack present you'll likely rarely have any trouble.
Grab your science book and check out this classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis
Species: C.lupus
(anyone have a good song to remember this hierarchy?)
I found the following information online and cannot attest to its veracity but appears to be within the realm of possibility. As with everything else in our current society (global warming) there seems to be agenda based truth and without first hand knowledge of the specific subject we're at the whim of said perspectives minus our common sense.
As with rabid wolves, the biologist can say, "There are no `documented' cases of wild healthy wolves attacking humans." In order to be "documented" these unreasonable criteria must be met:
1. The wolf has to be killed, examined and found to be healthy.
2. It must be proven that the wolf was never kept in captivity in its entire life.
3. There must be eyewitnesses to the attack.
4. The person must die from their wounds (bites are generally not considered attacks according to the biologists).
That is a "documented" attack.
Now, when it comes to supporting the wolf's right to live I have sympathy for the above criteria. Perhaps if this is true, they have saved many a life since otherwise there would have been tons more reported wolf attacks and their subsequent eradication. Still, knowing the truth about things makes for better assessment and more harmonious living.
I was asked recently if I have been able to keep the wolf from the door. I decidedly do not like this expression.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Inner Journey leads Outward
Hypnagogia describes vivid dreamlike auditory, visual, or tactile sensations, which are often accompanied by sleep paralysis and experienced when falling asleep or waking up. A lucid dream is a dream in which the person is aware that he or she is dreaming while the dream is in progress. During lucid dreams, it is often possible to exert conscious control over the dream characters and environment, as well as to perform otherwise physically impossible feats. Lucid dreams are known to be extremely real and vivid. I can attest to their power and freakishness as I just experienced my second one ever the other night after a span of 4 years since the first . What's troubling, outside the profoundly evil nature of the event, is its timing.
Open your mind to me
Aldous Huxley, mind expander extraordinaire and author of the book "Doors of Perception" shocked the world with his descriptions and experiments with Mescaline, now maligned and scheduled. My favorite band ever, the Doors, grabbed their name from this book's title helping to usher in a counterculture group substrate culminating in the free-love late 60's. What's potentially fascinating about entheogens, which is the proper name for the hallucinogenic family of alkaloids is their likely ability to 'remove' consciousness constraints. For anyone who has tried these little explanation here is needed but for those who haven't, let me attempt to make sense of it.
Atoms, and all the everything they formulate are at their very core 'informational'. They carry and carry out instructions in ordered form given from something thus far incomprehensible to physicists. The world is bombarded with information in visible and invisible forms at all times, in every location. There is so much information in fact that it would be overwhelming to try to deal with it all and thus the 'filter' comes into play. This filter allows us to function as a thinking species, able to attain food, make shelter, think, and act without having to contend with the impossible task of trying to deal with all the information. Entheogens temporarily negate this filter for the amount of time they're in your system. Suddenly, images, ideas, feelings and revelations are directly within your grasp and there's an element of 'reality' to it unlike any other you've experienced. Or can experience. It's one of the reasons the misnomer hallucinogen has been extinguished as it's just inaccurate.
Think of the experience more like being consciously asleep--where the craziness of your dreams are the sudden reality while your mind is hyper-alert, and your body completely at rest. Anyone rightly think they could function that way? How long would the human race last if we had to try to live with that amount of informational chaos?
In the development from single-celled to multi-celled organisms natural selection has rooted out the inefficient, and kept the pragmatic. Nature detests waste. It has seen fit through trial and error on a mountainous scale to adapt brilliantly with changing physical surroundings and the changing, evolving differences in all the other species simultaneously. In fact, with little scientific effort it is clear that there's not a substance, animal, plant or physical manifestation on our planet without purpose. All are inextricably linked in a giant ecological matrix of symbiotic interaction. Minus the water shipped into outer space for experiment, there is just the same amount of H20 now as there was 10,000 years ago. It may be found in different forms, concentrations and locations but it's all still here. Naturally, there's a reason. There's also a reason for entheogenic compounds. Read on.
Don't Bogart The Beetle
In cumulative study there is not any known animal or insect that does not partake in consciousness altering substances. Please reread that line. Whether it's your common housecat rolling around in cat-nip, or a herd of cattle consuming locoweed, human beings are just one more entity requiring mental or physical alteration, and it's all provided in nature. Ant colonies will kidnap a certain type of beetle that secretes liver enzymes making the entire colony 'high' from its ingestion. Frogs will stand near a 'toad stool' awaiting the flies that land on the mushroom, get high, then fall to the ground for easy amphibian dinner. Whatever the creature, some form of reality enhancer has been provided for its use in its immediate surroundings. Remember, everything here on our planet has a purpose.
With the advent of the internet we have the ability for the first time in recorded history to compile vast amounts of information, from the remotest of locations, in mere minutes. In the study of entheogens many commonalities persist despite the differences in type of alkaloids inherent within each. The American Indians revered Peyote for its communication and link with their ancestors. South American peoples lead by shamans respected and sought out Ayahuasca for the information it provided in healing and dimensional understanding. African tribes to this day still use Ibogaine (Iboga) as their conduit to the past, exposure to the present, and a quasi-crystal ball for events yet to come. Global Inhabitants historically have been drawn to Amanita Muscaria, a potent form of psychedelic mushroom religiously regarded as their direct route to divinity. While I haven't studied each continental preference, locating its form of consciousness-altering enlightenment would certainly not be difficult task. What's amazing is how heavily each society depended upon these plant elixirs to navigate their way through life. It has been only recently that we in civilized society have diverged from, and made mockery of their importance.
Pope meets Presidents
If one had a direct route, a fungal based telephone of sorts to speak with God, of what use might a church be? The spiritual component of human existence clearly has had a need for understanding the things it could not see, but felt intrinsically were just as real as the ones they could see. I view the church as a middle-man, an entity that has historically marked-up the normally cost-free communication our species has had with 'the other' for reasons oh-so human in nature. I believe an asserted effort to squelch this information, particularly its presence in the Bible, has been ongoing and relentless. The threat of individual communion outside the confines of the church, it's cash proceeds, and it's power is a threat too great to be left alone. (In an effort not turn this blog into a mini-book I'll leave these many examples for another time)
Using the American government as the example I know they too have been clearly threatened by the use of mind-expanding substances as evidenced during the 60's. Turning itself into a God-on-Earth entity providing cradle to grave control, the U.S. government realized a great movement with free-thinking citizens would stifle its efforts toward, well, what we see today. The systemic command and control of all of our lives, what we're allowed and not allowed to do, the taking by force of our earnings which equate to our modern day life's blood, and so on. Leary's Tune In, Turn On, Drop Out had to be dealt with swiftly and surely. We have seen a complete and organized assault on all entheogenic compounds with long prison sentences, controlled substances acts, and the most effective tool of all: linking once culturally worshiped substances with drugs. For accompaniment there's also the link with the war on these drugs and propaganda so far detached from reality as to borderline the preposterous. From a freedom perspective alone shouldn't someone who owns themselves be allowed to pursue their happiness in any form, so long as others are not being harmed in the process?
Although many times throughout history the Kings and Church have been at odds, in regards to the shamanic and cultural use of entheogens never before has a power brokerage of this strength been aligned toward a common goal. I think the results of this partnership are clear, dire, and in many ways will prove to be what is dooming our race to a footnote of galactic history, having lost our connection and understanding to our planet, nay, to ourselves.
Pelosi's Myopia
It's unconscionable. I thought the libs were a peace at any price crowd but the recent political moves by Pelosi & Co. are more than likely going to start another war.
Still embittered over the failure to get a resolution passed in Congress for early troop withdrawal the Democrats decided to get things done in another manner which is both underhanded and morally reprehensible. What did they do? The decided to bring to the house floor a resolution condemning the genocide committed by Turkey on Aremenians in 1915. An event nearly 100 years old, denied by Turkey, and lobbied for by Armenians in America for years. Why this would be on the back burner for official Congressional condemnation is beyond understanding but 'ol Nance is apparently just keeping her promise to bring it to the floor. What spectacular timing.
The Insult
Meanwhile, back in Turkey, the Turkish parliament in highly pissed off fashion gave the green light for a march into Northern Iraq to finish off the pesky Kurds at any time. Specifically upwards of 150,000 troops are on high alert ready to heed the order to hunt down the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), considered the rebel militant group fighting for independence and a structured homeland, not unlike the Palestinians.
The Injury
Did you know that almost 75% of all Iraq war supplies are routed through Turkey? We have access to their airspace for command and control, access to landing strips, communications, bridges, routes and roads. The U.S. moves munitions, water, food, fuel, and other essential materials for the war effort. This is ALL in jeopardy now because of the incredibly sophomoric shenanigans of Nancy Pelosi and her fawning Democrat parasites. I wonder if they knew what would happen and did it anyway, or if this is the rule of unintended consequences come to get it's pound of flesh. Often I wish stupidity were painful and in this case our representatives would be pleading for morphine.
It seems something has scared the 40+ Democrats who initially agreed to the vote and even Nancy herself as the backtracking has begun. Several prominent Democrats were on television recanting and making ersatz overtures about protecting the troops in a time of war. What in the world could have frightened them? My guess is twofold.
1. The Republicans would paint them, or in this case simply highlight them, as horrifically destructive to the war effort, undermining and endangering the troops in the field, and starting another war. They would be responsible for all the deaths in that war and whatever other wars would spring up as a result. If Turkey can march in to settle scores why not Saudi Arabia, or Iran (oh wait, they're already there) or some other neighbor with a real or imagined interest?
2. The Dems are expecting a win in the presidential elections and were scolded by the she-devil's machine noting that any additional problems they make for the country now while Bush is in charge they're going to have to fix themselves when he's not. Nothing is more important, *nothing*, than the acquisition and retention of power in DC. This would be short lived with chaos popping up in new places around the world, only getting worse in the Democratic administration. Mid-term elections would be brutal.
Your constituents must be so proud Nancy, as we all are. How do these people sleep at night?
Still embittered over the failure to get a resolution passed in Congress for early troop withdrawal the Democrats decided to get things done in another manner which is both underhanded and morally reprehensible. What did they do? The decided to bring to the house floor a resolution condemning the genocide committed by Turkey on Aremenians in 1915. An event nearly 100 years old, denied by Turkey, and lobbied for by Armenians in America for years. Why this would be on the back burner for official Congressional condemnation is beyond understanding but 'ol Nance is apparently just keeping her promise to bring it to the floor. What spectacular timing.
The Insult
Meanwhile, back in Turkey, the Turkish parliament in highly pissed off fashion gave the green light for a march into Northern Iraq to finish off the pesky Kurds at any time. Specifically upwards of 150,000 troops are on high alert ready to heed the order to hunt down the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), considered the rebel militant group fighting for independence and a structured homeland, not unlike the Palestinians.
The Injury
Did you know that almost 75% of all Iraq war supplies are routed through Turkey? We have access to their airspace for command and control, access to landing strips, communications, bridges, routes and roads. The U.S. moves munitions, water, food, fuel, and other essential materials for the war effort. This is ALL in jeopardy now because of the incredibly sophomoric shenanigans of Nancy Pelosi and her fawning Democrat parasites. I wonder if they knew what would happen and did it anyway, or if this is the rule of unintended consequences come to get it's pound of flesh. Often I wish stupidity were painful and in this case our representatives would be pleading for morphine.
It seems something has scared the 40+ Democrats who initially agreed to the vote and even Nancy herself as the backtracking has begun. Several prominent Democrats were on television recanting and making ersatz overtures about protecting the troops in a time of war. What in the world could have frightened them? My guess is twofold.
1. The Republicans would paint them, or in this case simply highlight them, as horrifically destructive to the war effort, undermining and endangering the troops in the field, and starting another war. They would be responsible for all the deaths in that war and whatever other wars would spring up as a result. If Turkey can march in to settle scores why not Saudi Arabia, or Iran (oh wait, they're already there) or some other neighbor with a real or imagined interest?
2. The Dems are expecting a win in the presidential elections and were scolded by the she-devil's machine noting that any additional problems they make for the country now while Bush is in charge they're going to have to fix themselves when he's not. Nothing is more important, *nothing*, than the acquisition and retention of power in DC. This would be short lived with chaos popping up in new places around the world, only getting worse in the Democratic administration. Mid-term elections would be brutal.
Your constituents must be so proud Nancy, as we all are. How do these people sleep at night?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Thought Molester
Figured if this were titled ‘Personal Responsibility’ there would be a readership exodus but since it had the buzzword molester, I’ve time to explain. Yippee.
No one likes responsibility. G’head, say it. YOU are the exception. Nahright…for the rest of us there’s a clarification that should be made such that sometimes responsibility and purpose are inextricably mixed but the statement was no one likes, not necessarily no one needs. My concern with this is that most of our fellow citizens have abdicated the responsibility of their retirement, children, and gosh darnit, their self worth. Why and what’s next is a real head-scratcher.
Coercion is a powerful motivator
In no conceivable way is our government allowed, by law, to seize money from those who earned it and grant it the charities, personal and otherwise, they deem better fit to have it. The audacity is jaw-dropping. Of course the funds are tightly held in Gore’s ‘black box’ (I shudder to imagine) and that money will be there after the forced borrowing time is over…unless you’re 6 feet under. Whoops, our bad. This can be highlighted to be a transfer of wealth to white women from black men. Using average ages, the women would benefit far longer and black men perish oftentimes before they’re able to collect. No one is able to opt out except for the prophetic Galveston, Texas that said wisely “no thanks” at the inception of the Social Security Ponzi sheme.
When brought to a vote to privatize even a tiny section of it there was rampant public outcry. Demagogues far and wide politicized and subsequently killed the idea. Scaring old folks is always a ticket to quick support and I sometimes think the greatest generation is at heart the most gullible generation.
One of the first utilitarian computer programs I ever had was Manage Your Money. Every day a new fun economic fact would pop up on the screen. I clearly remember being shocked by the idea that some New Jersey woman entered the system with just the right timing to contribute 100 dollars and take back 20,000 in benefits. I’m no economist, but that numbering scheme just doesn’t add up. Unless of course you work for Uncle Sam.
Do it for the children
Nowhere in the original Constitution does it say anything about mass public so-called education. Schools. On top of this, the lack of competition allows parents not to be active in their children’s learning. The simple idea of having to choose which school the little darling attends requires at least a modicum of attention, thus direct involvement. To responsibility, those who choose to have children or be irresponsible enough for the whole 10 minutes and have baby ‘whoops’ put an undue financial burden on everyone else. The education of your precious decision is the second most important decision you can ever make regarding their wellbeing. A happy, healthy home being first. But alas, public schools are (ahem) free and little Johnny will get along just fine as this is the ‘best government school in the district.’ Just today a new bill signed by the freedom Terminator doesn’t permit the recognition of ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ in California public schools. It may be offensive to gays. If it’s offensive to you in the breakdown of the family through sensitivity diversity multicultural marble-speak, tough. These are the breaks when our leaders run the schools. It should be noted that governmental control of education is one of the basic tenets of Marxism. But hey, education benefits everyone right?
I’m good enough, I’m smart enough…
I believe the most important national responsibility is not to be a liability to your neighbor. Family and church should handle the matters wherever possible. And if they can’t handle it another free market solution can or will be found. Even in the most dire of circumstance, the government has no justification legally or morally to take pieces of
citizen’s lives (the time it took to earn the wealth they forcibly lost) to redistribute to any cause no matter how worthy. Because as we can clearly see, once that door is opened every special interest group, sick person, handicapped, faker, liar, schemer now has their hand in your wallet. Doesn’t it make your ears smoke when you see money taken from you redistributed to things you rail against? But to the recipient the world is just groovy---unknowingly they have lost their self esteem and live like a hamster in a cage. They vote for whichever candidate promises to plunder their neighbor’s money the hardest and hand out to the more deserving you. Like giant public cash leeches hoping to outlive the imminent fall of the house of cards. Thanks Congress!
In reviewing the title, Thought Molester, maybe it’s coincidental or more likely it’s insidious how our leaders have instilled a governmental dependency mindset on all of us. From Airline flight delays to major league baseball strikes; from the size of your toilet bowl to how you’re permitted to do it with your spouse, there’s simply no governmental intrusion bold enough to make the people say ‘enough’ so long as the checks are in the mailbox each month. Indeed personal responsibility is great to have and everyone preaches such, but in practice it’s so scarce as to be nonexistent.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Who is this unmasked man?
Darling you give love a bad name.
One of the basic concepts around the governmental murders at Waco that threw me into a mental tailspin was the idea that parents actually prostituted their children. Could an individual have such a mental grip on the flock that they would readily hand over their most treasured loved one for supernatural experiments in depravity? Sadly, it seems so.
The picture above is of a Mr. Warren Jeffs and aside from the clear suspicion one must have when another has 3 first names this is an individual who made a pact with the devil, and the devil reneged. He is founder of the Mormon Fundamentalist Polygamist sect of the Latter Day Saints. (Don't you just know that Mitt Romney shit a brick when the following news surfaced!) Mr. Jeffs ruled with a iron fist condoned via dictate from God describing himself as "President and Prophet, Seer and Revelator." Apparently the 'seer' part meant he enjoyed seeing full grown men married to underage girls by way of the power vested in him. Who are these grown men and why hasn't someone put a boot in their ass prior to destroying these girls' lives? Again, where are the parents and why are they not hanging from a noose in the town square?
Apparently if newly betrothed acted in ways unpleasing to Mr.Jeffs he would 'reassign' wives in duck-duck-goose fashion. Though the wife reassignment may be joked about as being desirous in better than half of all current marriages in this case it is clearly a sect of slavery. It seems that either Mr. Jeffs is quite persuasive; the flock gullible, or perhaps both.
Another aspect of this case that is disturbing is the fact it reinforces the negative idea of polygamy. How consenting adults choose to fashion their personal lives is their business, not ours. What happens behind closed doors with consenting adults is part of what liberty is all about. So long as your rights are not being violated in any way there is nothing to go whining to government about. Just because the public at large does not like the idea of a man having several wives (some might just pity) it's important to remember that no Constitutional tenet is being violated. This is a fine example of how perilous Democracy is and how utterly opposed to individual freedom the term really is.
Speaking of Democracy, we hear that word being used all the time in efforts to bring middle east knuckle draggers to the 21st century. It's bandied about willy-nilly by most candidates running for office exemplifying their utter ignorance of our national foundation. Frighteningly, it is also taught as being laudable in the public schools.
If not for the new beginning philosophy of a one world government, what is the purpose?
Likely the only thing Mr. Jeffs ever got right in his ugly existence was the practice that there wasn't a show of hands in the group to decide on matters. Naked tyranny, as he demonstrated so well, is an awful situation. Clothed tyranny, as the world is slowly showing through Democracy, or majority rule, is equally as disturbing. Though not as clearly linked as I would have liked, having limited sleep this weekend, I hope to have linked Democracy and Mr. Jeffs in an insidious meme in every reader's head. Sadly, the readers that frequent here already know this and in most cases it's just like preaching to choir.
Author unknown, I have always loved this line which makes for a great sound byte in our short-attention spanned country: Democracy is 3 wolves and a sheep, voting on what's for dinner.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Writing Shmiting
It's qualude-strength downer when in some of the books I read the prose are so damned good that it makes me feel ridiculous posting my thoughts to this blog. Or assembling them in writing anywhere else. While I do write for me, it is rewarding having other people read even if they are too chicken to post a comment here but rather leave me well thought out correspondence via email. Of the fabulous writers I encounter with legitimate, publishable paragraphs, the commonality among them is streamlining toward a idea generated zenith. This is too rigid for my manic and schizophrenic style and certainly would be foreboding should I desire anything of substance outside the confines of the safe haven here. For instance, in the 2012 book by Dan Pinchbeck he uses an entire chapter to display and disseminate things that are happening in and to the trancendental worldview and summarizes it thusly:
"If you believe the shadows are growing darker it is only because the light that cast them is growing brighter."
Fabulous. Taken out of context it would just be a well written line but within the parameters of the subject matter, and summary placement, it's spot-on. Why oh why was I born gorgeous with a stream of consciousness handicap?
"If you believe the shadows are growing darker it is only because the light that cast them is growing brighter."
Fabulous. Taken out of context it would just be a well written line but within the parameters of the subject matter, and summary placement, it's spot-on. Why oh why was I born gorgeous with a stream of consciousness handicap?
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Love on a two way street
As far as Patricia Santangelo is concerned the two way street means they're catching her coming, and going. She's the first victim in the highly publicized music industry's lawsuit for file sharing. Allegedly they found her actively sharing 1700 songs but out of the kindness of their hearts are only charging her for 8. Lest you believe that it's a good deal, by the time all the lawyer fees and 'dues' are paid she's staring at a whopper of a bill: $250,000. Ouch.
She claims ignorance about the use of file sharing programs but (un)lucky for her the children seem to be quite adept. Over the course of several years the kiddos managed to build quite an impressive directory of their favorite songs, no doubt uploaded to the other device mom knows nothing about but still purchased: the IPOD. Seems as though they're hanging this lady out to dry in an effort to scare everyone else by making an example of her for other parents, not the children. The music industry is well aware of the fact that somewhere near 90% of all music files swapped with the peer-to-peer software is done by minors. Cash poor and likely outside the scope of lawsuits the music industry is targeting the parents as opposed to the actual violators. What to do?
Screaming History
Back in the day there was no Blockbuster video store. The horror. We had to schlep to the movie theater and buy the outrageously priced goodies set at eye level for the hordes of four-footers in line to watch Rocky. As the digital age came alive suddenly VHS was all the rage where you could purchase the machine and rent movies to see in the comfort of your own home. I can still remember the draped off 'back room' where the more discerning movie viewer could quickly grab a movie with those cheesy titles (I'll make one up here: Suck-Cess) and head for checkout when the coast was clear. Of particular interest was watching the sheepish look on their faces while I deliberately asked if they found anything good while behind them in line. Nyuk nyuk. I digress. When the VHS came out Hollywood screamed blue murder. "It's the cancellation of our artistic license" and "We're going to stop producing movies as this will kill the industry." Eventually of course the rentals far outweighed the take during the time it was in the actual theater and along with other merchandising revolutionized the music industry with dollar signs from Here to Eternity.
After this the online movie rental began getting traction and once again we were hit with the screams of theft, industry decimation, and the like. Soon enough the ever resistant to change movie folks decided to capitalize (instead of whine) on the new format and set up NetFlix and other websites so potential viewers could pick and choose and have the movies delivered by mail. Sweet. Although they have to be forced to change at each new interval the music industry is an example of how to properly roll with punches. I'm looking forward to their answer to downloadable movies which is the next phase we're entering into now. After the shrieks we'll likely have a user-friendly interaction that's mutually beneficial as all free market enterprises end up being.
Impaired Vision
I've used the entertainment industry as only one example though there are many of entire industries remaining competitive in a rapidly changing market. Compare them to the hyper-litigious Music folks who haven't done a damn thing but complain about immoral file-sharers and bankrupt some poor mother...for starters. Instead of brainstorming and having the internet add to their bottom line they've decided to use overpriced and overpopulated lawyers to scare us into submission. This will fail.
Already there are bands breaking the traditional role of being subjugated by record labels and EMI by offering their music free of charge, sometimes entire albums. Some bands request pay if/what you are able. There's a giant article
here with an introduction stating 'Embrace digital or die, EMI told.' Also "Free can work for new bands, too. It is already two years since Arctic Monkeys were propelled into music history by a fanbase that had discovered their music through illegal file sharing. With nothing to lose, they embraced free music distribution via platforms such as MySpace and eventually found a way to sell records too."
"I want the people to own the music and the artists to own the copyright. Why let a record company get in the way of the music?" says Tim Burgess, the Charlatans' lead singer. The recommendation best suited to the collective music industry is to get someone under 20 on B.O.D. and explain how things work these days. Or talk to your own kids and let them create a plan for distribution they believe will work, or has worked, in their experience.
Part of the process in a court of law is proving what you allege actually took place. The only way I know to track an individual user is by their MAC address and it must be provided by the ISP. Even if they do hand it over what's to say that one didn't buy that computer used? Perhaps it had that material on it before they ever even opened Solitaire? On top of this there is bandwidth stealing, online electronic impersonation, wrongly represented file-sharing attributes, and the list goes on. Seems hard to believe that Ms. Santangelo had a digital rights lawyer represent her as any one of the above could have been in play if indeed her original story is authentic.
For the author here the whole brouhaha is inconsequential as I have never before been behind the movie rental curtain, never received ripped music, and have never tossed off to anything, ever.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Our Younguns
Here's a sampling of creative youthful English activities in action:
1. Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever.
2. He was as tall as a six-foot, three-inch tree.
3. The revelation that his marriage of 30 years had disintegrated
because of his wife's infidelity came as a rude shock, like a surcharge
at a formerly surcharge-free ATM machine.
4. The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a
bowling ball wouldn't.
5. McBride fell 12 stories, hitting the pavement like a Hefty bag
filled with vegetable soup.
6. From the attic came an unearthly howl. The whole scene had an
eerie, surreal quality, like when you're on vacation in another city
and Jeopardy comes on at 7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30
7. Her hair glistened in the rain like a nose hair after a sneeze.
8. The hailstones leaped from the pavement, just like maggots when
you fry them in hot grease.
9. Long separated by cruel fate, the star-crossed lovers raced across
the grassy field toward each other like two freight trains, one having
left Cleveland at 6:36 p.m. traveling at 55 mph, the other from Topeka
at 4:19 p.m. at a speed of 35 mph.
10. John and Mary had never met. They were like two hummingbirds who
had also never met.
11. He fell for her like his heart was a mob informant, and she was
the East River.
12. Even in his last years, Granddad had a mind like a steel trap,
only one that had been left out so long, it had rusted shut.
13. Shots rang out, as shots are won't to do.
14. The plan was simple, like my brother-in-law Phil. But unlike Phil,
this plan just might work.
1. Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever.
2. He was as tall as a six-foot, three-inch tree.
3. The revelation that his marriage of 30 years had disintegrated
because of his wife's infidelity came as a rude shock, like a surcharge
at a formerly surcharge-free ATM machine.
4. The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a
bowling ball wouldn't.
5. McBride fell 12 stories, hitting the pavement like a Hefty bag
filled with vegetable soup.
6. From the attic came an unearthly howl. The whole scene had an
eerie, surreal quality, like when you're on vacation in another city
and Jeopardy comes on at 7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30
7. Her hair glistened in the rain like a nose hair after a sneeze.
8. The hailstones leaped from the pavement, just like maggots when
you fry them in hot grease.
9. Long separated by cruel fate, the star-crossed lovers raced across
the grassy field toward each other like two freight trains, one having
left Cleveland at 6:36 p.m. traveling at 55 mph, the other from Topeka
at 4:19 p.m. at a speed of 35 mph.
10. John and Mary had never met. They were like two hummingbirds who
had also never met.
11. He fell for her like his heart was a mob informant, and she was
the East River.
12. Even in his last years, Granddad had a mind like a steel trap,
only one that had been left out so long, it had rusted shut.
13. Shots rang out, as shots are won't to do.
14. The plan was simple, like my brother-in-law Phil. But unlike Phil,
this plan just might work.
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