Darling you give love a bad name.
One of the basic concepts around the governmental murders at Waco that threw me into a mental tailspin was the idea that parents actually prostituted their children. Could an individual have such a mental grip on the flock that they would readily hand over their most treasured loved one for supernatural experiments in depravity? Sadly, it seems so.
The picture above is of a Mr. Warren Jeffs and aside from the clear suspicion one must have when another has 3 first names this is an individual who made a pact with the devil, and the devil reneged. He is founder of the Mormon Fundamentalist Polygamist sect of the Latter Day Saints. (Don't you just know that Mitt Romney shit a brick when the following news surfaced!) Mr. Jeffs ruled with a iron fist condoned via dictate from God describing himself as "President and Prophet, Seer and Revelator." Apparently the 'seer' part meant he enjoyed seeing full grown men married to underage girls by way of the power vested in him. Who are these grown men and why hasn't someone put a boot in their ass prior to destroying these girls' lives? Again, where are the parents and why are they not hanging from a noose in the town square?
Apparently if newly betrothed acted in ways unpleasing to Mr.Jeffs he would 'reassign' wives in duck-duck-goose fashion. Though the wife reassignment may be joked about as being desirous in better than half of all current marriages in this case it is clearly a sect of slavery. It seems that either Mr. Jeffs is quite persuasive; the flock gullible, or perhaps both.
Another aspect of this case that is disturbing is the fact it reinforces the negative idea of polygamy. How consenting adults choose to fashion their personal lives is their business, not ours. What happens behind closed doors with consenting adults is part of what liberty is all about. So long as your rights are not being violated in any way there is nothing to go whining to government about. Just because the public at large does not like the idea of a man having several wives (some might just pity) it's important to remember that no Constitutional tenet is being violated. This is a fine example of how perilous Democracy is and how utterly opposed to individual freedom the term really is.
Speaking of Democracy, we hear that word being used all the time in efforts to bring middle east knuckle draggers to the 21st century. It's bandied about willy-nilly by most candidates running for office exemplifying their utter ignorance of our national foundation. Frighteningly, it is also taught as being laudable in the public schools.
If not for the new beginning philosophy of a one world government, what is the purpose?
Likely the only thing Mr. Jeffs ever got right in his ugly existence was the practice that there wasn't a show of hands in the group to decide on matters. Naked tyranny, as he demonstrated so well, is an awful situation. Clothed tyranny, as the world is slowly showing through Democracy, or majority rule, is equally as disturbing. Though not as clearly linked as I would have liked, having limited sleep this weekend, I hope to have linked Democracy and Mr. Jeffs in an insidious meme in every reader's head. Sadly, the readers that frequent here already know this and in most cases it's just like preaching to choir.
Author unknown, I have always loved this line which makes for a great sound byte in our short-attention spanned country: Democracy is 3 wolves and a sheep, voting on what's for dinner.
I guess I would be more supportive of Mr. Jeffs if the following conditions were met:
1.) The wives got off welfare. Many of them claim "single motherhood" and are therefore entitled to a welfare check. Oftentimes, the husband will have one legal wife and 4 "illegal" (or spiritual) wives. So, in a round about way, the tax payer is funding the FLDS.
2.) The people entering into these marriages were above the age of 16. When I was 14 I couldn't even decide what to wear to the school dance!
3.) The boys of the FLDS were actually valued and not shunned from their community once they're seen as "competition". One man, six wives....you do the math. The "extra" men need to go someplace where they won't cause an uproar.
The First Amendment says, " Congress shall make NO law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
What happened to the concept of *NO* law? What happened to the concept of *FREE EXERCISE THEREOF*? Do these concepts not apply to Mr. Jeffs?
This case is very complicated and brings up a lot of First Amendment issues.
You bring up an excellent point--What if the religion had infanticide as part of its ritual? Congress shall make NO law.... I guess we need to rely on Supreme Court for their interpretation of the spirit, and letter of the law.
Sadly, these guys clearly went out of bounds selling out the country in the form of Eminent Domain. When one loses rights to property, there are no others.
"What if the religion had infanticide as part of its ritual"?
The democratic party is a quasi-religious, semi-ritualistic entity and they endorse abortion (aka infanticide). Should we think about outlawing the democratic party? This is an interesting question indeed.
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