Figured if this were titled ‘Personal Responsibility’ there would be a readership exodus but since it had the buzzword molester, I’ve time to explain. Yippee.
No one likes responsibility. G’head, say it. YOU are the exception. Nahright…for the rest of us there’s a clarification that should be made such that sometimes responsibility and purpose are inextricably mixed but the statement was no one likes, not necessarily no one needs. My concern with this is that most of our fellow citizens have abdicated the responsibility of their retirement, children, and gosh darnit, their self worth. Why and what’s next is a real head-scratcher.
Coercion is a powerful motivator
In no conceivable way is our government allowed, by law, to seize money from those who earned it and grant it the charities, personal and otherwise, they deem better fit to have it. The audacity is jaw-dropping. Of course the funds are tightly held in Gore’s ‘black box’ (I shudder to imagine) and that money will be there after the forced borrowing time is over…unless you’re 6 feet under. Whoops, our bad. This can be highlighted to be a transfer of wealth to white women from black men. Using average ages, the women would benefit far longer and black men perish oftentimes before they’re able to collect. No one is able to opt out except for the prophetic Galveston, Texas that said wisely “no thanks” at the inception of the Social Security Ponzi sheme.
When brought to a vote to privatize even a tiny section of it there was rampant public outcry. Demagogues far and wide politicized and subsequently killed the idea. Scaring old folks is always a ticket to quick support and I sometimes think the greatest generation is at heart the most gullible generation.
One of the first utilitarian computer programs I ever had was Manage Your Money. Every day a new fun economic fact would pop up on the screen. I clearly remember being shocked by the idea that some New Jersey woman entered the system with just the right timing to contribute 100 dollars and take back 20,000 in benefits. I’m no economist, but that numbering scheme just doesn’t add up. Unless of course you work for Uncle Sam.
Do it for the children
Nowhere in the original Constitution does it say anything about mass public so-called education. Schools. On top of this, the lack of competition allows parents not to be active in their children’s learning. The simple idea of having to choose which school the little darling attends requires at least a modicum of attention, thus direct involvement. To responsibility, those who choose to have children or be irresponsible enough for the whole 10 minutes and have baby ‘whoops’ put an undue financial burden on everyone else. The education of your precious decision is the second most important decision you can ever make regarding their wellbeing. A happy, healthy home being first. But alas, public schools are (ahem) free and little Johnny will get along just fine as this is the ‘best government school in the district.’ Just today a new bill signed by the freedom Terminator doesn’t permit the recognition of ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ in California public schools. It may be offensive to gays. If it’s offensive to you in the breakdown of the family through sensitivity diversity multicultural marble-speak, tough. These are the breaks when our leaders run the schools. It should be noted that governmental control of education is one of the basic tenets of Marxism. But hey, education benefits everyone right?
I’m good enough, I’m smart enough…
I believe the most important national responsibility is not to be a liability to your neighbor. Family and church should handle the matters wherever possible. And if they can’t handle it another free market solution can or will be found. Even in the most dire of circumstance, the government has no justification legally or morally to take pieces of
citizen’s lives (the time it took to earn the wealth they forcibly lost) to redistribute to any cause no matter how worthy. Because as we can clearly see, once that door is opened every special interest group, sick person, handicapped, faker, liar, schemer now has their hand in your wallet. Doesn’t it make your ears smoke when you see money taken from you redistributed to things you rail against? But to the recipient the world is just groovy---unknowingly they have lost their self esteem and live like a hamster in a cage. They vote for whichever candidate promises to plunder their neighbor’s money the hardest and hand out to the more deserving you. Like giant public cash leeches hoping to outlive the imminent fall of the house of cards. Thanks Congress!
In reviewing the title, Thought Molester, maybe it’s coincidental or more likely it’s insidious how our leaders have instilled a governmental dependency mindset on all of us. From Airline flight delays to major league baseball strikes; from the size of your toilet bowl to how you’re permitted to do it with your spouse, there’s simply no governmental intrusion bold enough to make the people say ‘enough’ so long as the checks are in the mailbox each month. Indeed personal responsibility is great to have and everyone preaches such, but in practice it’s so scarce as to be nonexistent.
1 comment:
You seem to not like public schools (to put it mildly), but do you really think that private schools are THAT much better?
One of my family members (who shall remain nameless for the purpose of privacy) attended one of the most "prestigious" and expensive private schools in New England. Believe me, he's not any smarter than I am. He read the same crappy textbooks that I did in public school! Today, he's competing for $50,000/year jobs with high school drop outs.
On the other hand, his distant cousin who was home-schooled in rural northern New England, was invited to procure a tuition-free law degree by Notre Dame and will be working for the Federal Court of Appeals next year after he passes the bar exam. Hmmmmmm....very interesting!
Unfortunately, I think many parents are under the impression that they're actually getting something *more* or something *better* when they send their kids to these expensive, private schools. It's a hoax people! Wake up! Private schools are selling you nothing more than a flashy image and a promise that your kid is going to be the next Nobel Peace Prize winner. Why do people keep falling for this marketing technique?
Whether it's public school or private school it's still "mass indoctrination". Brain washing by any other name would not be the same. I'm just calling it as I see it.
Do I think every parent is qualified to home school their child all the way up through high school? No, not really. However, I do think it's important for parents to take a more active role in the education of their progeny.
Regardless of what people think about private, public, religious, or home education I think we can all agree that parents need to be more involved in the upbringing of their children.
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