Monday, September 10, 2007

Bumper Sticker

What? I'm not married? Oh yeah, that's right. But if I were, I'd surely love my wife who would be the apple of my eye. I'd leave little notes on the inside of the coffee maker and deliberately (naturally) sleep later that morning. Maybe put an image of a mutually agreed upon bad person on the underside of the toilet bowl seat like Debbie & I did with Bill Clinton in the 90's. Where is all this going?
There is a bumper sticker on several cars roaming around here in Atlanta that look almost identical to the image here. Seems they're from the
Promise Keepers which is a heavily religiously based organization with good intentions. Those are 'good intentions' in case you missed it the first time. As a normally quite opinionated fellow I simply can't seem to wrap my brain around what I think about someone putting this sticker on their car, and worse yet, how I feel about seeing such things in traffic.

Pros & Cons

On the positive side I like the idea of monogamy and support marriage, in whatever form two consenting adults agree to. I remember not too long ago being touched as I was driving past a local park at the requisite 25mph allowing for plenty of viewing time. There was an elderly couple, both portly, having to strain their necks just a bit over the middle in order to get a quick peck on the lips. It seemed as if they'd been together for years and likely used a pet phrase such as "gimme some sugar" or other queue that only the two of them know like "Jimmy's got a pet monkey". In any event, it restored a bit of my faith in the institution in that 10 seconds serving as a softening agent for my heretofore brittle outlook.
If you love your wife the world is your oyster and what harm is there in letting the world know in this small way? If not, you may find the very idea of a bumper sticker saying such as anathema to good taste and the hypocrisy too overwhelming.

Just how whipped can one man be? Or is the home life such that the message isn't getting across as it should whereas a bumper sticker will allay all doubt? Part of the reasoning may be in just who decides to purchase the sticker and for what reason. C'mon gals, if your hubby purchased one on his own volition and put in on his car or truck, wouldn't that be sweet? Sweeter still if you told him he didn't need it there and please remove it, toot sweet my sweet!

The troublemaker in me dreams of a mass mailing to all houses in my zip code! Imagine the fun. Then I'll keep one eye on the cars and the other on divorce court which I believe is public record. I'm certain there will be a lawyer or two not beyond generating themselves a fresh crop utilizing such tactics eh? It's not the sticker itself that'll cause a rift but rather a potential argument over it and the ensuing issues that are sure to pop up. You know, the ones where the boat only tips if it's spoken about.

Help your host out with an intemperate thought or two as you may post anonymously, multiple times even. Your comments are the only rewards I get for this labor of love and sans Samantha you're all being put in time out!


Anonymous said...

I think any man "if thats what u wanna call it" has a bumper sticker on his vehicle redaing "I love my Wife" obviously he is totally P' whooped. Thats no man I tell ya. Pathetic!

Anonymous said...

I think I like the title "I love your wife" better. That aside, if my bride requested it I guess it'd be okay despite the evil looks I'd get from the previous commenter on the road.

Anonymous said...

As a conservative/libertarian Christian I hereby deem the bumper sticker to be tacky and tasteless. If my husband ever put that bumper sticker on our Prius I would be completely mortified. I would probably wear a scarf over my head for the next six months so people wouldn't recognize me in public. If people have a burning desire to put bumper stickers on their cars they should put on stickers that say things like:

"Gun control means using both hands."


"When Bush took office gas was $1.35 per gallon."


"Tact is for people not witty enough to use sarcasm."


"If you ignore your rights long enough they'll go away."

Anonymous said...

My relationships are private matters. I could care less how "the pub-lick" views me as I pass them in my 4-RUNNER. I'm was born in the mid-fifties, my idea of the SEXIEST man of all time is 007 (Sean Connery)and you would NEVER find that bumper sticker on the back of his Astin-Martin!

Anonymous said...

I would never be OK with my husband driving around with this sign on his truck. My concern would not be what others thought of him as much as what I would imagine people would be thinking of me.

Anonymous said...

I like you better in person...

Anonymous said...

Better this sticker than those political ones that foster road rage! Anyone seen the 'My kid beat up your honor student'? What the hell kind of message is that? Plus, who would be proud of a student who excels in gov't schools, the LCD?

newanubis said...

Now, was that so hard? I surely thank you for your input and rest assured, I'm tracking down the 3 or 4 chickens who read and subsequently bolted.

I know who you are and where you live! Just wail 'til Halloween.

Anonymous said...

Bumper stickers are a person's way of indicating just how far from poor white/black trash they really are. So how's about one for the masses that reads "I love your wife, too."

My experience with anyone from Promise Keepers or the like usually had this to say...

"So maybe I hit my wife a few times, I might have cheated a bit and had a few hookers. I guess I should be a bit more respectfull sometimes."

A bumper sticker is tame compared to the shock collar I think some should be wearing.

Anonymous said...

The heck with love. I'm trying to develop a hankering for fat wimmin.

Anonymous said...

Forget fat wimmin, I have to find tolerance for men with low IQ's. Atleast you can close your eyes.