Monday, September 24, 2007

Prelude to 2012

I've got a heavy-D article stirring, grumbling from some unknown internal cavern in regards to our last year as nasty, ego-centric disconnected earthlings culminating on the winter solstice, 2012. Having the propensity to get carried away on a single, sometimes not so clearly related tangent, this should be the introduction---but it won't be. For the record, I'd be unable to resist giving him a right-proper squeeze. What would you do?


Anonymous said...

I'd take the hug. There's nothing better than a hug, especially on a "bad" day! Something about it just seems to lift the spirits as so fittingly depicted in the video.

Anonymous said...

"What would you do?"

The dude looks a little too creepy for me to hug. I'd tell him to get a job, pull up his pants, and get a hair cut. After that I'd refer him to the nearest AA meeting.

Anonymous said...

I think I dated him...A very sweet Holden Caufield type without the suicidal ideation and such.

He just wanted to bring a little sunshine into his life as well as others. Clothes and hairstyles make up the whole person just as much as a hand makes up the whole anatomy of the body. Any representation of Jesus I've seen has him with long hair. With as much walking as he and his disciples did, I bet they didn't smell much like roses!

I'd hug him twice!

Anonymous said...

No hug from me either...not sure whether he depicted tenderness or psychosis---but the safest bet is to the keep the B.O. at a distance!