Whosoever shall be found without the soul for getting down (on their knees) shall stand and face the hounds of hell in the form of the new, user-friendly IRS.
Hmmm...I thought that old Michael Jackson tune had a different ending but so far as the Brown's are concerned it's a way of life these days and suitable to our purposes here.
The IRS declares that Ed and Elaine Brown, pictured here, are in arrears on their tax bill to the tune of 1.5 million dollars. Indeed, the Browns are happy to pay this bill inclusive of all the penalties and interest if the tax man would be so kind as to show them the compulsory law. Thus far, no literature has been forthcoming but the threats and intimidation are seemingly in limitless supply.
Media manipulation for the purposes of painting the Brown's as evil, dastardly citizens has been quite the challenge. We all remember the Branch Davidians at Waco but may not be so clear as to the details of the propaganda used to rally the hoi polloi behind the ATF. In the war of words do you recall that it wasn't the Branch Davidian Farm but rather the Branch Davidian Compound? The word Compound lends itself to a militaristic bent as does insertion of the word 'Bunker' used to describe what is best summed up as their barn. Or a church. I have visited this site and can attest to the veracity of this summation although not much was left standing when Janet Reno gave the order to murder our fellow citizens, children included. We were told about the horrors of the 'cult' and witnessed psychological harassment as Nancy Sinatra's 'Boots were made for Walking' was blasted across the loudspeaker day and night.
In the end, when public sentiment (I assume) had reached whatever level some bureaucrat thought acceptable CS nerve gas was injected into the building, gung-ho 20 year old's with automatic rifles mowed down whatever moved, and a giant fireball went barreling down the hallways incinerating everything in it's path. Indeed, CS gas is known to cause muscles to constrict in virtual immediacy and some smaller children were found broken in half, backward, where their heads were near the heels of their feet. In the gas chamber, at least one is strapped down first. When the hearings about the incident were in front of congressmen apparently the huge, brass front door made to be the marker of 'who shot first?' went missing according the FBI. How convenient.
In comparison, we have what I consider to be some quite ordinary looking Americans living in an ordinary town in extraordinary conditions. It's not so easy to make them out to be Satan's Spawn and there are some concerned neighbors willing to fight, armed if necessary, to be granted a Right of Redress of Grievances guaranteed in the Constitution and ignored in modern-day practice. The idea that we are compelled by the butt end of a rifle to comply with laws without support, taxation without representation, and government run amok is so far being a free people in a free society that we should all vigorously support the brave few who have decided that enough is enough. Dissension is part of the process to be addressed not smeared and subdued with threats of mortal injury. I hope this noble standoff is settled peaceably without need for a GPS to be embedded in the door.
Great post about the Browns. If the gov't. kills the Browns in the name of overdue tax money I may just sell everything I own and live out in the woods for a while. My heart breaks for them. I truly hope that their situation is resolved peacefully. No one wants or needs to see another Ruby Ridge or Waco. No one.
Insanity seems to rule the day and oppression in the US is becoming too commonplace. I'm with Samantha, except I'll be heading out of the country, and taking my future taxes with me.
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