Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I can see 40 lurking in the landscape and while age is normally relative, I know instinctively (plus having a reminder)I'm officially old. The frightening realization came tonight when I frequented a movie theater for the first time in many years. Due to the monster condition I have (cluster headaches) one of my triggers is watching television and 30 minutes is about the limit lest I tempt the beast. Occasionally there might be an extended viewing allowed but considering the pain of such affliction the prudent action is to limit exposure. If you're thinking how awful this must be, having to watch movies in pieces and consistently take breaks, let me tell you it pales in comparison to the other trigger: alcohol. This one's a surefire screaming, thrashing headache in a bottle. I'm alcohol-free now for approaching 10 years and it's not by choice but rather self-preservation. During this time I've sought the meaning behind it all but come up empty handed every time.

There we were in the theater watching Legend and I had considered asking management to lower the volume. It was so loud as to be disturbing and distracting. The next thought of course was the inspiration for this blog where the harsh reality of age clamped down. There is a conflict though and that is that I thought one's hearing got worse with age, not better. If so, why wasn't the need there to turn the sound up? I shudder to think how annoying it would have been if I were 20!

Giving the dog a bone

The pooches get treats on a regular basis and occasionally they get spoiled with giant knucklebones soaked in that (apparently) tasty concoction. Tonight, after having managed to watch an entire film without flailing about from pain, I decided the gods were smiling and that it was time to whip out the 3 pound dog treats. What a warm reception they got too. Scooter has mastered the sit-n-wag and will sometimes incorporate a front foot patter on the floor, edging his way closer to whatever it is he desires at the moment. Jessie hangs back, looking sheepish, knowing not to get anywhere near Scooter and food, or even food-like substances. These massive bones are wrapped in plastic and have an additional plastic mesh-netting on the outside. Opening them requires a knife, and tests the limits of the dog's patience, which isn't too much to begin with.

The Scoots clamped down on his treat and brought it to the living room carpet in front of the fire. After a few minutes I went over to give him a pet and he froze up, in ready position, and gave out a growl. Shocking. I had a mini-conversation with him about when I rescued him from that bad home, and the all the treats, walks, food, etc. but it clearly fell on deaf ears. Actually, I find it kind of cute that he does the growl and he wouldn't ever bite me. Instead, it lets me know that he's a healthy dog and really likes this gift. Once before I had given him a similar bone that he guarded and prized and I waited for about 10 minutes before walking over. The usual freeze-n-growl started and I immediately snatched the bone from him complete with the typical harangue on being appreciative of your loving home, blah blah. There was no bite, not even a snap. Just a dog intent on getting back this yummy dessert via cuteness manipulation tactics. Took only about 60 seconds to wear me down but the lesson was learned. For both of us.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Chickens & Munitions

It would be of little importance how large your 401K is, your stock portfolio or the Roth if you were unable to access fresh water. Ditto for food. In our immediate future there is a war brewing not for oil and gold, but for the basic necessities of existence. As the world becomes increasingly more populated the demand for food and water grows with it. Supply is finite, and some say even shrinking as arable land is diminishing and evaporation increasing with elevated planetary temperatures. What's a myopic species to do?

In a recent discussion I found, quite by accident, a subject that'll get women flying across a room or launching a heavy projectile in your direction. As a single guy and oft-labeled instigator the temptation to indulge such matters is simply irresistible. The following are some talking points for around the Christmas tree or gathering consisting of predominantly women, so long as you're either well bodily armed or in close proximity to an exit. The subject is whether we should repeal the 19th Amendment. Most of the women won't stir at this general statement simply because they don't know what the 19th said. It's women's suffrage. The right for women to vote in the U.S. And it should be repealed.

Before you go rolling your eyes let me state the logic or reasoning behind such my seemingly chauvinistic position. The founding fathers may or may not have had this idea in mind meaning that they may have deliberately omitted women from voting. Is it because they were all products of the patriarchal times? Maybe. More likely though is the easily defended point that women will opt for security over freedom. And to establish a free society, a Union that can withstand the test of time only freedom-loving individuals can assure its survival. This does not mean that some women aren't freedom-loving but rather that most, particularly the less-educated ones will vote for issues and candidates that will rob the rest of us of our hard-won freedoms for the bogus security they claim that X will provide. I'm reminded of this as I hear idiotic callers to talk shows showing support for Shrillary simply because she's a woman. And that the majority of support for our socialist candidates on the left are women. Don't ya know my baby needs health care and the evil GWB has refused to further fund it? Maternity leave. Use the force of government to compel companies to pay for this pregnant employee while they're home, and not producing. For a fun exercise, please enter some of your own ideas here and have a blast this Holiday season :)

Wallow in the Hollow

That's pretty much the outlook lately. As I sat in my cave for the last month barely communicating with the outside world I was shocked to find that I wasn't alone. Most of my galpals were on the verge of tears for one reason or another and the stressors of work and family have my guy friends grasping for an out. What's going on? (I scream from the top of my lungs) Basically for my part I'm tired of cement. And traffic. And mini-malls and corruption and how nothing is sacred anymore. It's like watching the fall of Rome before our very eyes as hordes of ants travel in 10 simultaneous directions with no real place to go.

I never truly believed in a national/worldwide psychic grip but despair seems to have penetrated the human condition. Look around. As compared to a mere decade ago, how many people do you know that are happy? What's robbing you of your joy? What's robbing all of us of our collective joy and pride in country?

Sunday, December 02, 2007


Much to the chagrin of liberals everywhere a hauntingly articulate bombshell has taken over the nether regions of American political dialogue. Few political pundits these days can perform the verbal gymnastics and media hypnotization as well as Ann Coulter. Does it hurt that she’s got legs that shoot all the way to Heaven? Nopers, not one bit. In addition to being smart and controversial she’s also particularly witty and will draw large crowds hell-bent on having fun at some politician’s expense or, if they’re young, a chance to improve their aim with vegetables and fruit pies. No matter the venue Ann is sure to pull a Madonna and cause the kind of commotion we all relish witnessing.

Her latest foray into choppy waters coincided coincidentally with the launching of her new book “If Democrats Had Any Brains They'd Be Republicans” or so the Germans would have us believe. Throngs of readers rushed to purchase this missive from the blonde Miss as their new political marching orders were available without a drop of political correctness to be found. Some declare that when it comes to written expression this lady’s got some nirvana! While being far from the poster child for right-wing representation she certainly has carved out a niche within the political spectrum consisting of spontaneously erupting new citizen groups such as:

• Blondes for Coulter telling you we told you so!
• Citizens for attractive conservative representation
• Inspiration by Perspiration: Coulter Undressed
• Everyone Behind Ann (Group has some disclaimer)

While some media darlings toe the line of proper etiquette and ideology Miss Coulter has bucked this trendy trend and speaks her mind while simultaneously embodying the feelings of many more ordinary Americans. The Cult of Coulter has arisen from a long apathetic sleep and are now emboldened by the high priestess of unconventional method. Expectations for her continued success are using benchmarks in the form of such momentous events as causing an on-stage coronary by James Carville during debate, the formation of the Electric Slide-like Coulter Dance, whose lyrics purportedly have no mention of the word ‘fag’, and ultimately monitoring the reaction of Bill Clinton after a devilish Coulter wink (pitting Bill’s upper sensitivities to his lower insensitive ones).

The she-devil has been on the scene for some time now with no apparent loss of verbal force. I anticipate continued Republican high expectations with continued Democratic pucker-factors in the stratosphere. Indeed Miss Coulter keep things going, and growing.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

It ain't easy being Green

...but it will be. The chief problem in our societal disconnect from the planet is not the crass materialism we see everywhere but rather our 'lost soul' status in regard to our evolutionary roots. The props of buildings, electricity and all the gadgets, financial markets and the like are coming down. They're going away. What will be left in the luckiest of scenarios is you and a rusty pitchfork. Now, I'm not talking about the end of the world necessarily, just the end of the world as you know it. Furthermore, we will be forced to join our neighbors in a collective struggle for survival or perish alone. Not too rosy a picture, but one steadfastly coming to the reality that is yours.

It must be nice to be able to dismiss things or situations as 'ridiculous' simply because they seem impossible. One's worldview gets shaped, and then reinforced with all the millions of others with a similar outlook, and voila! personal peace. If 20 people call you a horse you must be a horse, of course. This blog is not intended to convince you that what I see is the real truth, but rather to just have you entertain the idea that it's all possible and how a warped perspective gets from point A to B. Mine, in this case.

The Rise and Fall of it All

The American government, through its ill-advised and Constitutionally illegal Federal Reserve is simply printing money. There is no commodity backing our currency unless you consider an Uncle Sam I.O.U. to be worthy of anything. At one time the rest of the world flocked to American markets because of their stability, growth, and reliability. That landscape is changing today as inflation has gripped the once mighty dollar making it roughly worth .14 cents what is was worth at the Fed's inception in the beginning of the 20th century. As one's money sits in the bank, under the mattress, or in some CD its value slides continually. For all intents and purposes it's robbery. As of 2007 many nations are switching where their investments are due to the devalued and less stable dollar and finding better value in both the Yuan and the Euro. Just last week some two-bit actress refused payment in American dollars though this may be more of a political statement than economic observation. Oil producing nations are looking to form organizations that are not dollar-backed and China alone owns over a trillion dollars of our National notes. Couple this with the current lending collapse culminating in record-breaking home foreclosures and one can see the financial goose is already cooked, just not served. When's dinner you ask? My best guess is not one minute after December, 2012, providing we can stave off disaster for that long.

Bigger Issues

What some might call 'regression' is a return to pre-technoligical living and most importantly a harmonization with the planet and its creatures. The continued depletion of resources and ecological abuse is simply at its end while no manner of obfuscation can cloud what many individuals are seeing. Especially for those readers with children the very idea of an end point is anathema to their mental health. It matters not though that a majority of the society pose as ostrich because what's been forecast is already here, pounding on our doors and coming to fruition despite the psychological barriers we erect. What then is there to do? Well, this part gets a bit hairy but must be heeded if we're to emerge in tact both personally and as a civilization.

In order to continue we need a complete alteration in thinking (paradigm shift) and guidance from those who have lived in harmony with the planet for eons. Namely South American Shamans. Their home in and around the Amazon is home to the highest intensity biodiversity on the planet. There are plants, animals, and insects barely known to the outside world and some yet to be discovered. These are natures keys and answers to the human condition in readily understandable and speaking form. Hmm..do you mean to say that plants can speak? And that they can tell us what direction is needed for survival?

When this question is posed to Shaman (medicine men) living harmoniously in the jungle the answer is a resounding yes. They have chronicled and handed down information for physical and spiritual healing derived from otherworldly trips via entheogenic compounds such as Ayahuasca, peyote, mushrooms, and other plant messengers. During the ceremonies questions are posed to the physical manifestation of spirits right before your eyes with the utmost respect and personal sacrifice. The answers come directly from these messengers in visions, images and reportedly even voice commands with a forceful and all-knowing attitude. The Shamans say that they're informed as to which plant to grow or find in order to cure the many physical afflictions the tribe may encounter. They're led to see future challenges from incongruous practices and how to rectify behavior. Indeed, many skeptical scientists have participated in such ceremonies and come away not just simple believers, but new ardent promoters in the vast mystery of spiritual communication. While I know this sounds like something out of a sci-fi novel the evidence and support for this understanding is growing at exponential rates in the Western psyche.

South American tribal members have a cultural respect for the planet and will pour out a sip of their drink or a bit of their meal directly back to the ground in a gesture of gratitude. Always aware their sustenance is provided for them they're humble, thankful, for the gifts of Gaia (Mother Earth). They giggle with amusement at the reports of outsiders seeing a double-headed snake during their Ayahuasca voyage as if no one else has seen such a thing. Not only is the 2 headed speaking snake a known presence but is so much so that he has different names depending on which tribe you ask. I often wonder how different people, at different times and locations participating in an entheogenic ceremony can all report seeing the same 'spirit'. The snake is not just any spirit but rather the conscience of the jungle, planet, and typically somewhat disturbing to encounter. He is reputed to forcefully inform the voyager that while we think we own the planet, we know little and are of little consequence in the grand scheme of nature. Also note how prominent the snake is in history--from the Bible to the Pyramids to Viracocha and South American ruins. Indeed, the snake-serpent is ubiquitous throughout the ancient world and it seems plausible that it's a real entity, well known by our ancestors and denied existence in 'modern' scientific understanding.

It is my contention that these plant elixirs engender a connection and appreciation for our planet on a spiritual level by providing access to realms unavailable in any other way. Furthermore, I believe the entheogens have been provided as a gift from the Gods, or a gift from God, for spiritual communion and answers. Certainly the Shamans have employed these tools and survived for thousands of years from their tutelage. Compare this to the effects of the Industrial and Technological Revolution and where we sit today, on the brink of collapse in many areas having diverged from the path of inclusion in a mere 200 years. The price is being paid daily by rates of depression brought on by a plethora of reasons not the least of which are the numerous stressors of fruitless work in modern society. Productivity needs a new definition and we all, as a society, need a new outlook. The use of entheogenic compounds under guidance to reconnect our civilization and change our thinking (thus behavior) is the only salvation I can see, or would want.

And that is how deranged thinking gets from A to B, right?

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Knock Knock...

I was informed by national media years ago that crop circles were an elaborate hoax and after the expose in the Skeptical Inquirer, well, what's left to think about? Clearly nothing as all the interpretation and thinking had been done for me. Ooh, let me pinch myself.
There are no doubt lots of hucksters out there predominantly in England who get a kick out of imitating these odd formations. Some give themselves names like 'Team Satan' and other sophomoric giveaways and it's seems clear after just some cursory investigation that one can easily distinguish between a forgery, and a non-forgery.

Crop Circles tend to just 'pop up' such as the one near Stonehenge which was developed, fully formed and flawless, in roughly 45 minutes. The reason the timing is so accurate is due to the man who first noticed it from his plane. He had left the airport, flew over Stonehenge seeing nothing but returned 45 minutes later to notify the authorities about the peculiar formation. It seems this would be a maximum time of assembly for structures of this complexity and likely develop much more quickly.


In 1974 SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intellignece) broadcast a radio signal boldly into space hoping to receive a reply by anyone, or anything that may be listening. As the image shows we listed our location in the galaxy, DNA structure, height, most prolific atoms, and current population. It was sent in the direction of the M13 star cluster since these were considered some of the oldest stars in the galaxy. It's a staggering 21,000 light years away near the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy.

A glyph has appeared in apparent response to the Arecibo Message we had sent and its authenticity is still being debated. It would not surprise me in the least that should it be a bona fide acknowledgment of our communique it would still be silenced, and discredited. The crop circle design features two images. The first is a pixelated halftone image of a face resembling either a grey or the face on Mars, which could be the same. The second image resembles the original Arecibo message though changed in a number of key elements, said by Ufologists to be a reply sent to Earth by an alien species. Interestingly there seems to be a 3rd strand in their DNA made of silicon as opposed to our double-helix. Tit-for-tat the reply is just as bland as the original message and it strikes me that the response is mocking us, a form of interstellar humor. Is that all we had to say for our species amongst all the complexity of being human?

1000 Words

As with all crop circles, the origin of the Arecibo reply is highly debated. Known crop circle designers have not replicated the image at this stage as it clearly would be quite an undertaking. Despite its questionable authenticity this is an incredible feat, artwork even. Who would go through the time and effort to give a detailed response, error-free implementation on someone else's property, and then get no credit?

Here are some more wondrous works:

The circle, roughly 66 yards wide, was discovered by a Swiss army pilot, Francois Blanchoud in the northwestern town of Payerne, in a corn field just outside of the military base there.

Crop Circles have been reported as far back as the mid-1600's.
This image is of the famous 'Crabwood Alien' in reference to it's discovery in 2001 at the Crabwood Farm House in Witshire, England

As 2012 approaches, the graphic displays, sightings, and psychic awakenings worldwide seem to be becoming more accessible and bold in their presentation. Refraining from the never to be humble opinion of this writer, you may decide for yourself if we as a society have been presented with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth vis-a-vis Crop Circles.

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Vice

Been quieted of late due to Hell on Earth in the form of this

Will return to our regular programming later this week!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


These are magnificent creatures. Smart, wily, and met with fear and respect by anyone within sight of one. The wolf pack live and hunt together and it would appear that there are very few unprovoked attacks on humans. The most dangerous encounter would be with a lone wolf as he is likely rabid and highly aggressive as was seen in the story of Old Yeller. Do not run. Sometimes shouting and a careful, slow backward walk will avert tragedy. If you're with your dog he'll likely want to confront the wolf in order to protect you and there's not much you can do in that situation. The idea of leaving your pet to face this giant, fierce animal is sickening but likely necessary. In a fur-flying fight with a single rabid wolf your dog may have a remote chance of survival but since there's usually a pack Fido's only chance to make it home with you is if you're armed or you can convince your dog to run away as that would also give him a chance.

As our population keeps increasing in size more and more of nature's creatures have less and less room, habitat. Encounters with wild animals struggling for survival become more prevalent and news of such is beamed throughout the world via the internet. Man's early encounters with wolves in the U.S. (1920-1930) began a federal extermination program that left them near extinction. The story of Little Red Riding Hood, those horrid leg traps, and the shoot on sight mentality of our great-grandparents has engendered a perpetuating fear when there really ought not be one. Most wolves avoid man (they're smart, remember) and unless you're hiking and stumble on a recent kill with the pack present you'll likely rarely have any trouble.

Grab your science book and check out this classification:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis
Species: C.lupus

(anyone have a good song to remember this hierarchy?)

I found the following information online and cannot attest to its veracity but appears to be within the realm of possibility. As with everything else in our current society (global warming) there seems to be agenda based truth and without first hand knowledge of the specific subject we're at the whim of said perspectives minus our common sense.

As with rabid wolves, the biologist can say, "There are no `documented' cases of wild healthy wolves attacking humans." In order to be "documented" these unreasonable criteria must be met:

1. The wolf has to be killed, examined and found to be healthy.

2. It must be proven that the wolf was never kept in captivity in its entire life.

3. There must be eyewitnesses to the attack.

4. The person must die from their wounds (bites are generally not considered attacks according to the biologists).

That is a "documented" attack.

Now, when it comes to supporting the wolf's right to live I have sympathy for the above criteria. Perhaps if this is true, they have saved many a life since otherwise there would have been tons more reported wolf attacks and their subsequent eradication. Still, knowing the truth about things makes for better assessment and more harmonious living.

I was asked recently if I have been able to keep the wolf from the door. I decidedly do not like this expression.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Inner Journey leads Outward

Hypnagogia describes vivid dreamlike auditory, visual, or tactile sensations, which are often accompanied by sleep paralysis and experienced when falling asleep or waking up. A lucid dream is a dream in which the person is aware that he or she is dreaming while the dream is in progress. During lucid dreams, it is often possible to exert conscious control over the dream characters and environment, as well as to perform otherwise physically impossible feats. Lucid dreams are known to be extremely real and vivid. I can attest to their power and freakishness as I just experienced my second one ever the other night after a span of 4 years since the first . What's troubling, outside the profoundly evil nature of the event, is its timing.

Open your mind to me

Aldous Huxley, mind expander extraordinaire and author of the book "Doors of Perception" shocked the world with his descriptions and experiments with Mescaline, now maligned and scheduled. My favorite band ever, the Doors, grabbed their name from this book's title helping to usher in a counterculture group substrate culminating in the free-love late 60's. What's potentially fascinating about entheogens, which is the proper name for the hallucinogenic family of alkaloids is their likely ability to 'remove' consciousness constraints. For anyone who has tried these little explanation here is needed but for those who haven't, let me attempt to make sense of it.

Atoms, and all the everything they formulate are at their very core 'informational'. They carry and carry out instructions in ordered form given from something thus far incomprehensible to physicists. The world is bombarded with information in visible and invisible forms at all times, in every location. There is so much information in fact that it would be overwhelming to try to deal with it all and thus the 'filter' comes into play. This filter allows us to function as a thinking species, able to attain food, make shelter, think, and act without having to contend with the impossible task of trying to deal with all the information. Entheogens temporarily negate this filter for the amount of time they're in your system. Suddenly, images, ideas, feelings and revelations are directly within your grasp and there's an element of 'reality' to it unlike any other you've experienced. Or can experience. It's one of the reasons the misnomer hallucinogen has been extinguished as it's just inaccurate.
Think of the experience more like being consciously asleep--where the craziness of your dreams are the sudden reality while your mind is hyper-alert, and your body completely at rest. Anyone rightly think they could function that way? How long would the human race last if we had to try to live with that amount of informational chaos?

In the development from single-celled to multi-celled organisms natural selection has rooted out the inefficient, and kept the pragmatic. Nature detests waste. It has seen fit through trial and error on a mountainous scale to adapt brilliantly with changing physical surroundings and the changing, evolving differences in all the other species simultaneously. In fact, with little scientific effort it is clear that there's not a substance, animal, plant or physical manifestation on our planet without purpose. All are inextricably linked in a giant ecological matrix of symbiotic interaction. Minus the water shipped into outer space for experiment, there is just the same amount of H20 now as there was 10,000 years ago. It may be found in different forms, concentrations and locations but it's all still here. Naturally, there's a reason. There's also a reason for entheogenic compounds. Read on.

Don't Bogart The Beetle

In cumulative study there is not any known animal or insect that does not partake in consciousness altering substances. Please reread that line. Whether it's your common housecat rolling around in cat-nip, or a herd of cattle consuming locoweed, human beings are just one more entity requiring mental or physical alteration, and it's all provided in nature. Ant colonies will kidnap a certain type of beetle that secretes liver enzymes making the entire colony 'high' from its ingestion. Frogs will stand near a 'toad stool' awaiting the flies that land on the mushroom, get high, then fall to the ground for easy amphibian dinner. Whatever the creature, some form of reality enhancer has been provided for its use in its immediate surroundings. Remember, everything here on our planet has a purpose.

With the advent of the internet we have the ability for the first time in recorded history to compile vast amounts of information, from the remotest of locations, in mere minutes. In the study of entheogens many commonalities persist despite the differences in type of alkaloids inherent within each. The American Indians revered Peyote for its communication and link with their ancestors. South American peoples lead by shamans respected and sought out Ayahuasca for the information it provided in healing and dimensional understanding. African tribes to this day still use Ibogaine (Iboga) as their conduit to the past, exposure to the present, and a quasi-crystal ball for events yet to come. Global Inhabitants historically have been drawn to Amanita Muscaria, a potent form of psychedelic mushroom religiously regarded as their direct route to divinity. While I haven't studied each continental preference, locating its form of consciousness-altering enlightenment would certainly not be difficult task. What's amazing is how heavily each society depended upon these plant elixirs to navigate their way through life. It has been only recently that we in civilized society have diverged from, and made mockery of their importance.

Pope meets Presidents

If one had a direct route, a fungal based telephone of sorts to speak with God, of what use might a church be? The spiritual component of human existence clearly has had a need for understanding the things it could not see, but felt intrinsically were just as real as the ones they could see. I view the church as a middle-man, an entity that has historically marked-up the normally cost-free communication our species has had with 'the other' for reasons oh-so human in nature. I believe an asserted effort to squelch this information, particularly its presence in the Bible, has been ongoing and relentless. The threat of individual communion outside the confines of the church, it's cash proceeds, and it's power is a threat too great to be left alone. (In an effort not turn this blog into a mini-book I'll leave these many examples for another time)

Using the American government as the example I know they too have been clearly threatened by the use of mind-expanding substances as evidenced during the 60's. Turning itself into a God-on-Earth entity providing cradle to grave control, the U.S. government realized a great movement with free-thinking citizens would stifle its efforts toward, well, what we see today. The systemic command and control of all of our lives, what we're allowed and not allowed to do, the taking by force of our earnings which equate to our modern day life's blood, and so on. Leary's Tune In, Turn On, Drop Out had to be dealt with swiftly and surely. We have seen a complete and organized assault on all entheogenic compounds with long prison sentences, controlled substances acts, and the most effective tool of all: linking once culturally worshiped substances with drugs. For accompaniment there's also the link with the war on these drugs and propaganda so far detached from reality as to borderline the preposterous. From a freedom perspective alone shouldn't someone who owns themselves be allowed to pursue their happiness in any form, so long as others are not being harmed in the process?

Although many times throughout history the Kings and Church have been at odds, in regards to the shamanic and cultural use of entheogens never before has a power brokerage of this strength been aligned toward a common goal. I think the results of this partnership are clear, dire, and in many ways will prove to be what is dooming our race to a footnote of galactic history, having lost our connection and understanding to our planet, nay, to ourselves.

Pelosi's Myopia

It's unconscionable. I thought the libs were a peace at any price crowd but the recent political moves by Pelosi & Co. are more than likely going to start another war.

Still embittered over the failure to get a resolution passed in Congress for early troop withdrawal the Democrats decided to get things done in another manner which is both underhanded and morally reprehensible. What did they do? The decided to bring to the house floor a resolution condemning the genocide committed by Turkey on Aremenians in 1915. An event nearly 100 years old, denied by Turkey, and lobbied for by Armenians in America for years. Why this would be on the back burner for official Congressional condemnation is beyond understanding but 'ol Nance is apparently just keeping her promise to bring it to the floor. What spectacular timing.

The Insult

Meanwhile, back in Turkey, the Turkish parliament in highly pissed off fashion gave the green light for a march into Northern Iraq to finish off the pesky Kurds at any time. Specifically upwards of 150,000 troops are on high alert ready to heed the order to hunt down the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), considered the rebel militant group fighting for independence and a structured homeland, not unlike the Palestinians.

The Injury

Did you know that almost 75% of all Iraq war supplies are routed through Turkey? We have access to their airspace for command and control, access to landing strips, communications, bridges, routes and roads. The U.S. moves munitions, water, food, fuel, and other essential materials for the war effort. This is ALL in jeopardy now because of the incredibly sophomoric shenanigans of Nancy Pelosi and her fawning Democrat parasites. I wonder if they knew what would happen and did it anyway, or if this is the rule of unintended consequences come to get it's pound of flesh. Often I wish stupidity were painful and in this case our representatives would be pleading for morphine.


It seems something has scared the 40+ Democrats who initially agreed to the vote and even Nancy herself as the backtracking has begun. Several prominent Democrats were on television recanting and making ersatz overtures about protecting the troops in a time of war. What in the world could have frightened them? My guess is twofold.

1. The Republicans would paint them, or in this case simply highlight them, as horrifically destructive to the war effort, undermining and endangering the troops in the field, and starting another war. They would be responsible for all the deaths in that war and whatever other wars would spring up as a result. If Turkey can march in to settle scores why not Saudi Arabia, or Iran (oh wait, they're already there) or some other neighbor with a real or imagined interest?

2. The Dems are expecting a win in the presidential elections and were scolded by the she-devil's machine noting that any additional problems they make for the country now while Bush is in charge they're going to have to fix themselves when he's not. Nothing is more important, *nothing*, than the acquisition and retention of power in DC. This would be short lived with chaos popping up in new places around the world, only getting worse in the Democratic administration. Mid-term elections would be brutal.

Your constituents must be so proud Nancy, as we all are. How do these people sleep at night?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Thought Molester

Figured if this were titled ‘Personal Responsibility’ there would be a readership exodus but since it had the buzzword molester, I’ve time to explain. Yippee.

No one likes responsibility. G’head, say it. YOU are the exception. Nahright…for the rest of us there’s a clarification that should be made such that sometimes responsibility and purpose are inextricably mixed but the statement was no one likes, not necessarily no one needs. My concern with this is that most of our fellow citizens have abdicated the responsibility of their retirement, children, and gosh darnit, their self worth. Why and what’s next is a real head-scratcher.

Coercion is a powerful motivator

In no conceivable way is our government allowed, by law, to seize money from those who earned it and grant it the charities, personal and otherwise, they deem better fit to have it. The audacity is jaw-dropping. Of course the funds are tightly held in Gore’s ‘black box’ (I shudder to imagine) and that money will be there after the forced borrowing time is over…unless you’re 6 feet under. Whoops, our bad. This can be highlighted to be a transfer of wealth to white women from black men. Using average ages, the women would benefit far longer and black men perish oftentimes before they’re able to collect. No one is able to opt out except for the prophetic Galveston, Texas that said wisely “no thanks” at the inception of the Social Security Ponzi sheme.
When brought to a vote to privatize even a tiny section of it there was rampant public outcry. Demagogues far and wide politicized and subsequently killed the idea. Scaring old folks is always a ticket to quick support and I sometimes think the greatest generation is at heart the most gullible generation.

One of the first utilitarian computer programs I ever had was Manage Your Money. Every day a new fun economic fact would pop up on the screen. I clearly remember being shocked by the idea that some New Jersey woman entered the system with just the right timing to contribute 100 dollars and take back 20,000 in benefits. I’m no economist, but that numbering scheme just doesn’t add up. Unless of course you work for Uncle Sam.

Do it for the children

Nowhere in the original Constitution does it say anything about mass public so-called education. Schools. On top of this, the lack of competition allows parents not to be active in their children’s learning. The simple idea of having to choose which school the little darling attends requires at least a modicum of attention, thus direct involvement. To responsibility, those who choose to have children or be irresponsible enough for the whole 10 minutes and have baby ‘whoops’ put an undue financial burden on everyone else. The education of your precious decision is the second most important decision you can ever make regarding their wellbeing. A happy, healthy home being first. But alas, public schools are (ahem) free and little Johnny will get along just fine as this is the ‘best government school in the district.’ Just today a new bill signed by the freedom Terminator doesn’t permit the recognition of ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ in California public schools. It may be offensive to gays. If it’s offensive to you in the breakdown of the family through sensitivity diversity multicultural marble-speak, tough. These are the breaks when our leaders run the schools. It should be noted that governmental control of education is one of the basic tenets of Marxism. But hey, education benefits everyone right?

I’m good enough, I’m smart enough…

I believe the most important national responsibility is not to be a liability to your neighbor. Family and church should handle the matters wherever possible. And if they can’t handle it another free market solution can or will be found. Even in the most dire of circumstance, the government has no justification legally or morally to take pieces of
citizen’s lives (the time it took to earn the wealth they forcibly lost) to redistribute to any cause no matter how worthy. Because as we can clearly see, once that door is opened every special interest group, sick person, handicapped, faker, liar, schemer now has their hand in your wallet. Doesn’t it make your ears smoke when you see money taken from you redistributed to things you rail against? But to the recipient the world is just groovy---unknowingly they have lost their self esteem and live like a hamster in a cage. They vote for whichever candidate promises to plunder their neighbor’s money the hardest and hand out to the more deserving you. Like giant public cash leeches hoping to outlive the imminent fall of the house of cards. Thanks Congress!

In reviewing the title, Thought Molester, maybe it’s coincidental or more likely it’s insidious how our leaders have instilled a governmental dependency mindset on all of us. From Airline flight delays to major league baseball strikes; from the size of your toilet bowl to how you’re permitted to do it with your spouse, there’s simply no governmental intrusion bold enough to make the people say ‘enough’ so long as the checks are in the mailbox each month. Indeed personal responsibility is great to have and everyone preaches such, but in practice it’s so scarce as to be nonexistent.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Who is this unmasked man?

Darling you give love a bad name.

One of the basic concepts around the governmental murders at Waco that threw me into a mental tailspin was the idea that parents actually prostituted their children. Could an individual have such a mental grip on the flock that they would readily hand over their most treasured loved one for supernatural experiments in depravity? Sadly, it seems so.

The picture above is of a Mr. Warren Jeffs and aside from the clear suspicion one must have when another has 3 first names this is an individual who made a pact with the devil, and the devil reneged. He is founder of the Mormon Fundamentalist Polygamist sect of the Latter Day Saints. (Don't you just know that Mitt Romney shit a brick when the following news surfaced!) Mr. Jeffs ruled with a iron fist condoned via dictate from God describing himself as "President and Prophet, Seer and Revelator." Apparently the 'seer' part meant he enjoyed seeing full grown men married to underage girls by way of the power vested in him. Who are these grown men and why hasn't someone put a boot in their ass prior to destroying these girls' lives? Again, where are the parents and why are they not hanging from a noose in the town square?
Apparently if newly betrothed acted in ways unpleasing to Mr.Jeffs he would 'reassign' wives in duck-duck-goose fashion. Though the wife reassignment may be joked about as being desirous in better than half of all current marriages in this case it is clearly a sect of slavery. It seems that either Mr. Jeffs is quite persuasive; the flock gullible, or perhaps both.

Another aspect of this case that is disturbing is the fact it reinforces the negative idea of polygamy. How consenting adults choose to fashion their personal lives is their business, not ours. What happens behind closed doors with consenting adults is part of what liberty is all about. So long as your rights are not being violated in any way there is nothing to go whining to government about. Just because the public at large does not like the idea of a man having several wives (some might just pity) it's important to remember that no Constitutional tenet is being violated. This is a fine example of how perilous Democracy is and how utterly opposed to individual freedom the term really is.

Speaking of Democracy, we hear that word being used all the time in efforts to bring middle east knuckle draggers to the 21st century. It's bandied about willy-nilly by most candidates running for office exemplifying their utter ignorance of our national foundation. Frighteningly, it is also taught as being laudable in the public schools.
If not for the new beginning philosophy of a one world government, what is the purpose?

Likely the only thing Mr. Jeffs ever got right in his ugly existence was the practice that there wasn't a show of hands in the group to decide on matters. Naked tyranny, as he demonstrated so well, is an awful situation. Clothed tyranny, as the world is slowly showing through Democracy, or majority rule, is equally as disturbing. Though not as clearly linked as I would have liked, having limited sleep this weekend, I hope to have linked Democracy and Mr. Jeffs in an insidious meme in every reader's head. Sadly, the readers that frequent here already know this and in most cases it's just like preaching to choir.

Author unknown, I have always loved this line which makes for a great sound byte in our short-attention spanned country: Democracy is 3 wolves and a sheep, voting on what's for dinner.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Writing Shmiting

It's qualude-strength downer when in some of the books I read the prose are so damned good that it makes me feel ridiculous posting my thoughts to this blog. Or assembling them in writing anywhere else. While I do write for me, it is rewarding having other people read even if they are too chicken to post a comment here but rather leave me well thought out correspondence via email. Of the fabulous writers I encounter with legitimate, publishable paragraphs, the commonality among them is streamlining toward a idea generated zenith. This is too rigid for my manic and schizophrenic style and certainly would be foreboding should I desire anything of substance outside the confines of the safe haven here. For instance, in the 2012 book by Dan Pinchbeck he uses an entire chapter to display and disseminate things that are happening in and to the trancendental worldview and summarizes it thusly:

"If you believe the shadows are growing darker it is only because the light that cast them is growing brighter."

Fabulous. Taken out of context it would just be a well written line but within the parameters of the subject matter, and summary placement, it's spot-on. Why oh why was I born gorgeous with a stream of consciousness handicap?

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Love on a two way street

As far as Patricia Santangelo is concerned the two way street means they're catching her coming, and going. She's the first victim in the highly publicized music industry's lawsuit for file sharing. Allegedly they found her actively sharing 1700 songs but out of the kindness of their hearts are only charging her for 8. Lest you believe that it's a good deal, by the time all the lawyer fees and 'dues' are paid she's staring at a whopper of a bill: $250,000. Ouch.

She claims ignorance about the use of file sharing programs but (un)lucky for her the children seem to be quite adept. Over the course of several years the kiddos managed to build quite an impressive directory of their favorite songs, no doubt uploaded to the other device mom knows nothing about but still purchased: the IPOD. Seems as though they're hanging this lady out to dry in an effort to scare everyone else by making an example of her for other parents, not the children. The music industry is well aware of the fact that somewhere near 90% of all music files swapped with the peer-to-peer software is done by minors. Cash poor and likely outside the scope of lawsuits the music industry is targeting the parents as opposed to the actual violators. What to do?

Screaming History

Back in the day there was no Blockbuster video store. The horror. We had to schlep to the movie theater and buy the outrageously priced goodies set at eye level for the hordes of four-footers in line to watch Rocky. As the digital age came alive suddenly VHS was all the rage where you could purchase the machine and rent movies to see in the comfort of your own home. I can still remember the draped off 'back room' where the more discerning movie viewer could quickly grab a movie with those cheesy titles (I'll make one up here: Suck-Cess) and head for checkout when the coast was clear. Of particular interest was watching the sheepish look on their faces while I deliberately asked if they found anything good while behind them in line. Nyuk nyuk. I digress. When the VHS came out Hollywood screamed blue murder. "It's the cancellation of our artistic license" and "We're going to stop producing movies as this will kill the industry." Eventually of course the rentals far outweighed the take during the time it was in the actual theater and along with other merchandising revolutionized the music industry with dollar signs from Here to Eternity.

After this the online movie rental began getting traction and once again we were hit with the screams of theft, industry decimation, and the like. Soon enough the ever resistant to change movie folks decided to capitalize (instead of whine) on the new format and set up NetFlix and other websites so potential viewers could pick and choose and have the movies delivered by mail. Sweet. Although they have to be forced to change at each new interval the music industry is an example of how to properly roll with punches. I'm looking forward to their answer to downloadable movies which is the next phase we're entering into now. After the shrieks we'll likely have a user-friendly interaction that's mutually beneficial as all free market enterprises end up being.

Impaired Vision

I've used the entertainment industry as only one example though there are many of entire industries remaining competitive in a rapidly changing market. Compare them to the hyper-litigious Music folks who haven't done a damn thing but complain about immoral file-sharers and bankrupt some poor mother...for starters. Instead of brainstorming and having the internet add to their bottom line they've decided to use overpriced and overpopulated lawyers to scare us into submission. This will fail.
Already there are bands breaking the traditional role of being subjugated by record labels and EMI by offering their music free of charge, sometimes entire albums. Some bands request pay if/what you are able. There's a giant article
with an introduction stating 'Embrace digital or die, EMI told.' Also "Free can work for new bands, too. It is already two years since Arctic Monkeys were propelled into music history by a fanbase that had discovered their music through illegal file sharing. With nothing to lose, they embraced free music distribution via platforms such as MySpace and eventually found a way to sell records too."
"I want the people to own the music and the artists to own the copyright. Why let a record company get in the way of the music?" says Tim Burgess, the Charlatans' lead singer. The recommendation best suited to the collective music industry is to get someone under 20 on B.O.D. and explain how things work these days. Or talk to your own kids and let them create a plan for distribution they believe will work, or has worked, in their experience.

Part of the process in a court of law is proving what you allege actually took place. The only way I know to track an individual user is by their MAC address and it must be provided by the ISP. Even if they do hand it over what's to say that one didn't buy that computer used? Perhaps it had that material on it before they ever even opened Solitaire? On top of this there is bandwidth stealing, online electronic impersonation, wrongly represented file-sharing attributes, and the list goes on. Seems hard to believe that Ms. Santangelo had a digital rights lawyer represent her as any one of the above could have been in play if indeed her original story is authentic.

For the author here the whole brouhaha is inconsequential as I have never before been behind the movie rental curtain, never received ripped music, and have never tossed off to anything, ever.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Our Younguns

Here's a sampling of creative youthful English activities in action:

1. Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever.

2. He was as tall as a six-foot, three-inch tree.

3. The revelation that his marriage of 30 years had disintegrated
because of his wife's infidelity came as a rude shock, like a surcharge
at a formerly surcharge-free ATM machine.

4. The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a
bowling ball wouldn't.

5. McBride fell 12 stories, hitting the pavement like a Hefty bag
filled with vegetable soup.

6. From the attic came an unearthly howl. The whole scene had an
eerie, surreal quality, like when you're on vacation in another city
and Jeopardy comes on at 7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30

7. Her hair glistened in the rain like a nose hair after a sneeze.

8. The hailstones leaped from the pavement, just like maggots when
you fry them in hot grease.

9. Long separated by cruel fate, the star-crossed lovers raced across
the grassy field toward each other like two freight trains, one having
left Cleveland at 6:36 p.m. traveling at 55 mph, the other from Topeka
at 4:19 p.m. at a speed of 35 mph.

10. John and Mary had never met. They were like two hummingbirds who
had also never met.

11. He fell for her like his heart was a mob informant, and she was
the East River.

12. Even in his last years, Granddad had a mind like a steel trap,
only one that had been left out so long, it had rusted shut.

13. Shots rang out, as shots are won't to do.

14. The plan was simple, like my brother-in-law Phil. But unlike Phil,
this plan just might work.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Curiosity of the Mundane & Mystical

You'll love the ending please get there naturally!

There's simply not enough time I thought while pumping gas and noticing the octane discrepancies. By rote my current car and all priors have received the safe bet 89 while I frowned on the 87 surmising it 'cheap' and scoffed at the 93 as a waste of money. Amazed that I hadn't really considered the differences and could possibly have saved lots of money over the years I continued on that thought stream estimating it would take about >20 hours of real research in order to get a reliable answer. Not gonna happen. No, I won't take Chevron's word for it, or virtually any other opinionholder on the matter. Pressing on, who the hell wants to spend their time studying whether Techron Ultra is any better than regular unleaded?

Meanwhile, back at the homestead, there's a stack of books on the nightstand delving into the Rig Veda, nymphs, extra-dimensional existences, di-methyl triptamine, and a host of other interesting topics deemed unfit for respected scientific inquiry. Likely there will be never be a satisfactory answer no matter how much scientifically obscene information is digested on these topics but they're certainly fascinating to learn about. I guess it's a matter of priorities but sometimes I wish there was the time and resources to satiate all the things I'm curious about instead of continually having to eat off the intellectual buffet.

The Bigger Picture

There is yet a person on the planet I have met who does not have an agenda, big or small. That means me, and especially you! Some people are boisterous about it, proselytizing, others somewhat passively aggressive, and still others set in their ways of formed opinion though never revealing it. The end result is that their way of thinking is the light at the end of the tunnel, if only you'd open your eyes wide enough to see it. With this in cynical mind the only reliable conclusions I can come to when there's time enough and adequate interest are those whose lineage are studied--past the wikipedia definition or one author's take on it. In comparison with the guy next to you, it has been said that if you read three books on any singular topic you are, in essence, an expert in that field. Seems reliable enough when I speak with a stranger about anything in my arsenal within those parameters.

Dinosaurs Roamed 65 Million Years Ago

Here's where the trouble begins. I have accepted as pure fact the time line asserted by years of incremental scientific building that Tyrannosaurus Rex was busy pooting and contributing to global warming an astonishing 65 million years ago. Why, if I can contrast a straw hut to a modern skyscraper clearly the evidence of application is plainly viewable. But what about the things we can't see? What of those we cannot fully understand?
The support of Carbon-based anything that is dated is based on, you guessed it, carbon dating! (God knows it beats online dating, but that's another story) So as to avoid a science lesson here which I'm ill-equipped to administer what I learned/remember is that a runaway Carbon Isotope, C-14, has specific properties of decay (entropy) with a half-life of 5500+ years. This means that after 5500 hundred years half the Carbon atom will remain and after another 5500 years yet another half will remain. The base is it's molecular weight which seems unchanged, and unchangeable lest it become something that isn't C-14. Scientist measure the degree of decay, taking into account terrain, weather, etc. and come up with a reasonable range for time of formation. Simple study of this will reveal that there's a finite (measurable) amount of C-14 such that it's usefulness as a terrestrial timepiece expires after 10 half lives, or roughly 60,000 years. As anyone who has learned basic mathematics will tell you the difference between 60,000 and 65,000,000 is considerable. What then is the basis for ascertaining something older than 60,000 years? I simply don't know. Furthermore I'm not sure how high in the aforementioned priorities list this might fall.

My point here is that without direct study I cannot personally ascribe a high degree of certainty or accuracy, much less immutable truth to Carbon dating. Nor can we discredit the idea out of hand, as I did only about a week ago, of the earth actually being 6,000 years old as reverse-timed by that Archbishop whose name escapes me. Understandably there's a degree of faith in the information we come across that we must heed, such as "well, it shows Bangladesh on the map, therefore it's there." I feel pretty comfortable in stating that yes, Bangladesh is a territory between India and Pakistan though I have no real evidence of its existence. It's the constant re-examining and unearthing of new information that needs to continually be verified that makes me, uh, crazy. It feels as though whatever idea or truism one holds is only a fleeting vision on the road to the 'true truth' soon to be overturned and overwhelmed. Maybe this is why I mostly delve into subjects whose truth is likely indiscoverable...where at best it only lends a probability in reality after investigating all the many informational tentacles required to reach some conclusion. Serenity now!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Prelude to 2012

I've got a heavy-D article stirring, grumbling from some unknown internal cavern in regards to our last year as nasty, ego-centric disconnected earthlings culminating on the winter solstice, 2012. Having the propensity to get carried away on a single, sometimes not so clearly related tangent, this should be the introduction---but it won't be. For the record, I'd be unable to resist giving him a right-proper squeeze. What would you do?

Song for my dawg


You'll never out-cute, the Scoot.
Not even Buffalo Bill with all his skill
or Superman, with any plan,
could ever out-cute the Scoot.

A daring pirate ship once up and robbered him
and what do you think the Scoot did?
He clobbered 'em.
With great finesse he more or less clobbered them

Given a fight to fight
a wrong to right
any time of the day or night
you'll never out-cute the Scoot!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ron Paul, the man of reason.

Witness nothing less than a landslide people. Attest to this political mauling. Shout it from the rooftops while the major American media volunteer a deaf ear. Even the creators of the poll, worldnetdaily, while honest enough to keep it there for the world to see had to make another 'suggestion' for who the real winner was according to 'accepted' opinion holders. Sneaky bastards. Read on and let's have an honest discussion before we forget what one looks like...

It has been so long since the American populace has been presented with a man of integrity and adherence to the law that I believe there's a bit of shell shock happening. Luckily folks seem to remember that there was a time in the country where the freakazoid politician was the exception, and not the rule such as it stands today.
The poll you see here was taken after the most recent presidential debate and published on 9/18/07. You may check www.wnd.com in their poll history to validate my veracity on the matter. This notwithstanding,the headliner was "Huckabee wins
Republican poll Garners 63% of delegates selected by leading activists." If that's the case, then not only is Worldnetdaily but also these 63% of 'leading activists' way out of touch with the pulse of the American Electorate. I have yet to understand why their opinion is more valuable than yours, assuming both you and the activists pay taxes, and that you both can read. Not going out on too far a limb here, I pray.

I have absolutely had it with media elections in our country telling us who our choices are to vote on and how these 'bottom tier' candidates do not have a chance. Screw you and the money that bought ya. When I'm done voting for the individual I believe will follow the Constitution and get the ever imposing, ever expanding Imperial Federal Government out of my life (and yours, btw) it's easy to look at myself in the mirror the next morning. How many times can we be shaken in our own hide and yet be proud of voting for the lesser of two evils? Even the lesser of two evils is still EVIL as evidenced by the continual moral and fiscal slide our country has been on. Lawlessness, as defined by breaking the very laws set out in the Constitution has run rampant in Washington as you, good reader, know all too well.

Back to the poll. This, in virtually every fair assessment is known as pummeling. Ron Paul has decimated the 'top tier' candidates you're told you'll have to vote for and will continue to do so. How long before we have the courage to effect REAL change in this country. Certainly there's not a dime's worth of difference in Democrats or Republicans and most people I speak with about this issue would agree to that. If you disagree, I welcome your comments below but please let's not have another Hyperbole hour with CNN as evidence for the contrast. Action by political parties and your assessment thereof is what we're looking for.
As I see it, it's just a matter of which party sinks the good ship America first. The graft-laden, corruption filled, and anything goes politicians have enjoyed their last days of abusing me, my fellow countrymen, the system and their positions. I vow to re-elect no-one. I don't care what color you are, how much you've 'accomplished' in your 30 years on the public dole, or what letter you assign yourself. And any freshman politician that thinks his new position is the start of a beautiful, profitable career will be bounced just as quickly. Gheesh, I feel like I've sprung into action. Perhaps it's true and if so it's because I can finally hear a politician on the world stage actually use the word freedom and know what it means. Ron Paul discusses Constitutional boundaries, and non-interventionalist foreign policy to ever present eye rolling of that free-speech hater McCain, or the pick-a-fight-for-publicity Guiliani. Heck, even the host at the Value Voters was following all the other interviewers who are, in my opinion, hostile to Ron Paul. Here's a clip from Fox News that is supposedly sympathetic to the conservative outlook:

In answer to the leading question on the Fox News Screen above asking "what do you think?" the answer is that I think the establishment is scared shitless of the man who seeks to restore liberty thus reducing federal control over all our lives and whose message resonates with every fair minded American who wants a better tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ties that Bind

When you consider your friendships could you not claim that there are some that make no sense at all while concurrently making perfect sense? For instance, what in the world does a 20 year old manchild and a 60+ year old woman have in common, much less to talk about? Whether outsiders understand or not, such are the situations in apparently more and more relationships that I speak to people about and so much the better, amen. Cross generational and cross-sectional bonds make for greater understanding, less conflict, and in general a more congealed society. My guess is that while reading this, a 'strange' friendship of your own has taken the foreground but alas, since this is my blog, you'll have to keep mum and see what similarities we may share with those strange persons that influence our lives.

I met H on a message board dedicated to our mutually shared disease. Naturally, people with rare conditions feel somewhat connected as only a fellow sufferer can actually *know* what you're going through. Don't be fooled though, there are a number of jackasses with this shared horror and some that I wish would be cured just so they'd go away! Miss H had a great pseudonym, and lively dialogue. I could recognize immediately her strong opinions with detailed support thereof so the imp in me just had to see how convicted she was. Tit for tat we bandied about subjects in view of the whole message board but were respectful of each other, particularly with disagreements. Some time later the one or two bad seeds had pissed Miss H off to the point where she no longer cared to be a part of the community. Ruh roh. Being one of the few posters whose themes and righteous indignations I came to rely on suddenly vanished. Luckily, I tracked her down in the private messages we're able to send and then finally to actual, personal email.

That was a hearty 3 years ago! I think barely a week has gone by where we have not talked about something, nothing, or everything in-between. I have only a vague idea of what she looks like and am positively clueless about body language and facial gestures. But ask me what makes her tick or how she's likely to react to world events and I can give a detailed, accurate account in most any scenario. Isn't part of being a friend knowing that person from the inside and enjoying what you see? Sometimes I lament the 1,000 miles between us although the relationship would, by necessity, change with proximity and I cherish this friendship exactly how it is. Plus, any time as a youngster I thought I could make the radio, or fish tank filter, or remote control car work better by disassembling it seldom worked out that way. After all, she could be chronic nose picker, have long black ear hair or any other number of issues too frightening to speculate on. Not surprisingly none of that would matter one iota. I respect her mind, am occasionally awed by her heart, and am fortunate beyond my worth to proudly call you "friend" Heather.

P.S. Even though she hates smiley faces I'm confident with this giant one here (an accumulation of the times throughout the years when I wanted to put one in correspondence but didn't) there's a 'get out of jail free' card just waiting for me!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Bumper Sticker

What? I'm not married? Oh yeah, that's right. But if I were, I'd surely love my wife who would be the apple of my eye. I'd leave little notes on the inside of the coffee maker and deliberately (naturally) sleep later that morning. Maybe put an image of a mutually agreed upon bad person on the underside of the toilet bowl seat like Debbie & I did with Bill Clinton in the 90's. Where is all this going?
There is a bumper sticker on several cars roaming around here in Atlanta that look almost identical to the image here. Seems they're from the
Promise Keepers which is a heavily religiously based organization with good intentions. Those are 'good intentions' in case you missed it the first time. As a normally quite opinionated fellow I simply can't seem to wrap my brain around what I think about someone putting this sticker on their car, and worse yet, how I feel about seeing such things in traffic.

Pros & Cons

On the positive side I like the idea of monogamy and support marriage, in whatever form two consenting adults agree to. I remember not too long ago being touched as I was driving past a local park at the requisite 25mph allowing for plenty of viewing time. There was an elderly couple, both portly, having to strain their necks just a bit over the middle in order to get a quick peck on the lips. It seemed as if they'd been together for years and likely used a pet phrase such as "gimme some sugar" or other queue that only the two of them know like "Jimmy's got a pet monkey". In any event, it restored a bit of my faith in the institution in that 10 seconds serving as a softening agent for my heretofore brittle outlook.
If you love your wife the world is your oyster and what harm is there in letting the world know in this small way? If not, you may find the very idea of a bumper sticker saying such as anathema to good taste and the hypocrisy too overwhelming.

Just how whipped can one man be? Or is the home life such that the message isn't getting across as it should whereas a bumper sticker will allay all doubt? Part of the reasoning may be in just who decides to purchase the sticker and for what reason. C'mon gals, if your hubby purchased one on his own volition and put in on his car or truck, wouldn't that be sweet? Sweeter still if you told him he didn't need it there and please remove it, toot sweet my sweet!

The troublemaker in me dreams of a mass mailing to all houses in my zip code! Imagine the fun. Then I'll keep one eye on the cars and the other on divorce court which I believe is public record. I'm certain there will be a lawyer or two not beyond generating themselves a fresh crop utilizing such tactics eh? It's not the sticker itself that'll cause a rift but rather a potential argument over it and the ensuing issues that are sure to pop up. You know, the ones where the boat only tips if it's spoken about.

Help your host out with an intemperate thought or two as you may post anonymously, multiple times even. Your comments are the only rewards I get for this labor of love and sans Samantha you're all being put in time out!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Well this is sweet

Thankfully the picture is dark and rotten, sound has an annoying hummmm in the background and I could always deny that this was me by the looks of it. That beard though, it looks mighty burly. Maybe I could loan some testosterone to John Edwards, who could surely use it.

Yesterday was 'test music' day on the blog and today, clearly, it's video. Tomorrow, I'll attempt to upload my consciousness to live forever through the new Earth masters, the machines. Really it's only a matter of time and mankind can be viewed as Gods themselves, having created a new species, if you will. A sentient computer, or one that is self-aware we assume will have a desire for continued life and may assess threats to it's existence. That's bad news for us.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

To Serve and Protect

To serve an ego and protect the county coffers.

The Scene: A business is moving from a commercial location with moving trucks in the parking lot and bunches of sweaty desk jockeys with that look of "I didn't sign up for this" in their eyes. There are 6 cars all parked facing the closed store with furniture and the like being hauled between the front door and the back of the moving van. Hold me back!

The Victim: Steve. Although arguably he has had a black cloud over his middle aged head with barely a trace of balding for oh, maybe a decade, this was completely out of line.

Background: The building is quite old and surprisingly the handicapped parking spot is the one the furthest from the front door. Perhaps years ago crutches were made better. Go figure. The sign has been weathered and the blue line is barely visible but still and all, it's a revered handicapped parking spot.

The Sadist: A four year old could have seen what was going on but that didn't stop Johnny Law this day. No sir. By God there's a car in a blue spot and I don't give a rat's ass what's going on in this private parking lot with store closed. When I see a violation (gasp) of this magnitude you better expect to be ticketed promptly, chattel.

The Damage: That'll be $120.00 dollars.

The Insult: "If you don't move this car now I'll write you another ticket." ..as Steve was heading back inside to get his keys. (Although we didn't hear him say "beeyotch" at the end we sure did feel it)

Summary: It's reasons such as this that police carp about the little respect they so richly deserve. Prick.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Adult Highlights

I found this image on the BBC which is a decent read if you believe that by virtue of your breathing you may enjoy a God-given right to the labor and output of other men through compulsory means. If not, I commend your individuality and invite you to simply enjoy the unintentional porn in this shot, iffn' you can find it!

I guess it was a 'futurist' that named the Polar Bear Knut.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Whosoever shall be found without the soul for getting down (on their knees) shall stand and face the hounds of hell in the form of the new, user-friendly IRS.

Hmmm...I thought that old Michael Jackson tune had a different ending but so far as the Brown's are concerned it's a way of life these days and suitable to our purposes here.
The IRS declares that Ed and Elaine Brown, pictured here, are in arrears on their tax bill to the tune of 1.5 million dollars. Indeed, the Browns are happy to pay this bill inclusive of all the penalties and interest if the tax man would be so kind as to show them the compulsory law. Thus far, no literature has been forthcoming but the threats and intimidation are seemingly in limitless supply.

Media manipulation for the purposes of painting the Brown's as evil, dastardly citizens has been quite the challenge. We all remember the Branch Davidians at Waco but may not be so clear as to the details of the propaganda used to rally the hoi polloi behind the ATF. In the war of words do you recall that it wasn't the Branch Davidian Farm but rather the Branch Davidian Compound? The word Compound lends itself to a militaristic bent as does insertion of the word 'Bunker' used to describe what is best summed up as their barn. Or a church. I have visited this site and can attest to the veracity of this summation although not much was left standing when Janet Reno gave the order to murder our fellow citizens, children included. We were told about the horrors of the 'cult' and witnessed psychological harassment as Nancy Sinatra's 'Boots were made for Walking' was blasted across the loudspeaker day and night.

In the end, when public sentiment (I assume) had reached whatever level some bureaucrat thought acceptable CS nerve gas was injected into the building, gung-ho 20 year old's with automatic rifles mowed down whatever moved, and a giant fireball went barreling down the hallways incinerating everything in it's path. Indeed, CS gas is known to cause muscles to constrict in virtual immediacy and some smaller children were found broken in half, backward, where their heads were near the heels of their feet. In the gas chamber, at least one is strapped down first. When the hearings about the incident were in front of congressmen apparently the huge, brass front door made to be the marker of 'who shot first?' went missing according the FBI. How convenient.

In comparison, we have what I consider to be some quite ordinary looking Americans living in an ordinary town in extraordinary conditions. It's not so easy to make them out to be Satan's Spawn and there are some concerned neighbors willing to fight, armed if necessary, to be granted a Right of Redress of Grievances guaranteed in the Constitution and ignored in modern-day practice. The idea that we are compelled by the butt end of a rifle to comply with laws without support, taxation without representation, and government run amok is so far being a free people in a free society that we should all vigorously support the brave few who have decided that enough is enough. Dissension is part of the process to be addressed not smeared and subdued with threats of mortal injury. I hope this noble standoff is settled peaceably without need for a GPS to be embedded in the door.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Me Chinese, Me Play Joke

I've been concerned about China for some time particularly in reference to their discipline. The U.S. is their number one enemy, according to the Chinese ministry, and it seems they're assiduously preparing for a confrontation on all fronts, not just militarily. Now, preparing and actually engaging are two entirely different things but in the event of a shore invasion on Taiwan, or knocking out a spy satellite they're uncomfortable with, they'll be ready...and readier every day.
It was disturbing to pull my head out of the ground only to see our national sovereignty disappear before my very eyes. The Chinese decided to rattle the saber of liquidation of American Treasury Bills, bonds, to the tune of 1.5 Trillion, that's with a T folks. What it means, in essence, is that our economic health is no longer in our hands and they can, at any time decide to 'cash in' sending our economy in a downward spiral. To compensate, the Federal Reserve would be forced to just print money, since we left the gold standard (foolishly) years ago and replaced currency backing with 'I.O.U.'s. Terrific. What happens when the Fed just prints money, you say? Typically the result is interest rates in the nose bleed section, in double digits the likes of which would make even Jimmy Carter blush.
This is not a lesson on the economy, or economic policy, but rather a wake up call to those who value some semblance of security in this land by the lever-pullers in the House and Senate. To say they've failed miserably is an understatement of massive proportion and many times it takes years to uncover the effects of the incessant graft & corruption made manifest in our esteemed leaders.
I believe the threat of liquidation by China, and it is indeed a threat, is in response to a backlash against tainted imported Chinese goods. From dog food, to tooth paste, to children's toys to the hot-off-the-presses embalming fluid found in pajamas, the business practices of that country shall not be interfered with from a pesky American consumer. Plus, Washington dare not attempt to stifle the imports or add fuel to this fire lest their suicidal game of selling out the country to the highest bidder be revealed for one and all to see.
At least we know how honorable the Chinese are as the toy company president took his own life from the embarrassment of the public scandal. He certainly was not bumped off to give that appearance. Wink. Nod.
At the end of the day though it's not the fault of foreign countries for supporting our financial infrastructure in light of the heretofore stability of our currency. It's our fault for not saving individually, for spending and borrowing like there's no tomorrow on a national level, and not making our lawmakers accountable for all the unconstitutional giveaways that bankrupt the country but generate votes. It's all coming to a head and it's going to be very, very painful.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Back Breaka

The blisters have already purchased real estate on my hands with an expected move-in date of tomorrow, when I arise. The welcome committee will likely consist of creams, ointments, and the occasional pain-induced aggravated bitch-session. That's what ya get when working with cement, hammers and boards in 100 degree heat after a steady diet of paper-pushing.
Somewhere between hosing myself down and guzzling up vitamin water by the gallon I thought it'd be a good idea to get some exercise and haul 80lb dead-weight Quick-crete blocks to form support for new decking. The hammer was completely unforgiving as it shredded my tender skin thumbing it's nose at the tough-man work gloves. What a sissy I've become, I thought, testing out the ability to be ambidextrous and switch the hammer to whichever hand hurt less, at the moment. At least there was no webcam.

Jesus is it hot out here! I could even hear the shingles requesting a relocation package and one or two of them demanding hazardous work pay. It was heat-induced delerium that lasted a grueling 6 hours before finally releasing it's grip. Ultimately though, that evening, there was an odd sense of accomplishment and I thought about the word teleos, loosely translated from Greek into 'living as a thing is meant to' but then quickly dismissed that thought for fear it might be accurate!
Tonight I sleep like a baby with my baby hands and dream of keyboards, A/C, and a whole stack of paper just begging to be pushed.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Poppa's Best Boy

I can't imagine life without dogs. I don't think there has ever been a time that there weren't at least two, of wrestling size nearby to add their weight in gold to value of my life account.

The above picture is my best boy Scooter, who came with the name after being rescued from a bad environment having multiple homes and no one to commit to the responsibility for his care. He was called 'Homer' at the 2nd to last foster parent's home and while I like that name much better, as it seems more suitable, I just didn't have the heart to change the poor dog's name again. Certainly it's fun to incorporate all variations of his name including songs. There's the theme to Mission Impossible, using 'Scooter Pie' for the first three stacatto beats following up with 'good boy'--g'head, try it out--you know you want to!
Sadly the picture does not do him justice so I'll get creative and post a short video so the dear reader can experience his inimitable cuteness, straight on.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

She's Simply Wuvwee

Haven't felt like a school-boy in what feels to be 100 years or more and was shocked, shocked I say, to encounter a gal that was so appealing I couldn't keep my eyes ON her. In situational happenstance fate demanded we interact for half an hour or so in a private setting and after 5 minutes I could already detect mild perspiration around the collar and slightly elevated BP. Is this a prelude to a heart attack? It was a peculiar feeling and thinking I can always rely on my golden tongue I had this unnerving worry that I ought not test it now. Brevity, lest you live to regret verbosity was echoing between my ears.

We used to semi-joke that "if you think there's something going on, there is" which was really a tribute to one's intuition insofar as if the idea crosses your mind there's likely an inherent trigger. Although we're talking about human chemistry an apt analogy might be if you're watching a movie and are suddenly aware that someone in the film is acting. It ought to never cross your mind, and seldom does, except when there's an actor so stark in their pitiful performance that you're jolted into this recognition.

I'm not sure where one's idea for what is womanly or manly stems from and indeed it's the topic for another discussion. But for my purposes here "Susan" was the epitome of what I would consider 'womanly.' There was an enchanting aura about her, stunningly attractive with the ease and grace of some majestic earthbound view with what seemed to be the perfect balance of assertive professional and Sunday couch snuggle bunny.
If I allowed myself closer proximity there's no doubt she would have smelled like fresh honeysuckle so I placed an imaginary separator between us in an effort not to inhale deeply in the nest of her flowing hair, and then get smacked.

Something interesting happened. For the lurkers who do not know me it should be known that generally I'm considered chivalrous and not just to outrage Patricia Ireland, which is an added bonus, but more just as evidence of an innate respect for women cultivated by my adolescent(and adult)respect for my own sister. I had truly decided to give her lots of social space employing Mr. separator but by the time I realized what was happening, thrust into cognition by the touch of her hand, I had reached up and was assisting her down 3 somewhat insecure wooden steps. There was no overt reaction on either part, just an old-fashioned pleasantry extended during discourse of whose subject I certainly cannot recall.

Then it happened again but with a much more telling feature. This time there were 3 brick steps, obviously sound in their structure but perhaps a bit narrow. Upon reaching the bottom my hand instinctively arose and while she could have traversed them easily in the time it took to reorganize, she scurried to free a hand which was bogged down with papers, folders, etc in an effort, I believe, to thank me for the gesture. Awwwww.

It would be impossible, in my view, for a woman such as this to not be the apple of someone's eye homicidally jealous with tree-trunk sized biceps. Even so the warm feeling I got in the many times I found my mind wandering to the memory today may just be worth....well, something more than I would normally sacrifice to get to know her. Plus, she never spit, even once! Is this a keeper or what?

Your Feind and Mine

Did you know that in the IRS employees handbook there is a description of how to collect taxes after a nuclear war? Imagine having survived, standing there with your hair falling out and skin glowing in a light shade of green...when suddenly this bloodsucker arrives, likely armed, to take some of your worthless money or confiscated property/food for the government! There was once a time, in the good old days, when the tax collector would come by and be promptly tarred and feathered by the townsfolk never to extort that pound of flesh again.

Enough is enough of these predators somehow subverting the old axiom of 'can't get blood from a stone' by doing just that. Main problem: you're a stone buddy. Let's implement the fairtax, swiftly.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Snoop

Engaged in quite unsavory computer detective work today. The subject is an out of control 16 year old girl (redundant, I know) causing her mother incredible amounts of angst. Had she been 18 I would have declined the work based on privacy issues but as a minor I can justify the search for images, videos, nasty text and the like in an effort to rescue her from the inevitable pregnancy.

Surprisingly when I did encounter some more salacious material I realized that I had, in no way, any desire to actually route through it. Instead, I simply copied all the stuff to a flash drive and let the mom do what she thought best. I did however have a dry-heave reaction to her written words, if it's still English that we all speak. I can let slide the acronyms such as JIK, OMG, WTF, but the handling of basic sentence structure is horrific! Here's some copy:

him and joycelyn had been
broken up for like 3 months and so he was explaining about her and
everything and then when we're the mall i guess she stalked his page or
something and saw i was hanging with him and she FLIPPED HER SHIT and called
him and was like wtf! and then left him a comment...

Perhaps when we're old these will be the 'adults' who take care of us, man the
government offices, and generally decide the direction of the country. Comfortable?

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Iraq + Solution =

It seems a bit pompous to say but unless I've overlooked something the idea of solving the Iraq quagmire and making ALL parties concerned agreeable is this: A vote. By the citizens of Iraq themselves.

The term 'democracy' has been bandied about by all the pundits and talking heads to the point I believe there are lots of them who don't even know what it is they're saying anymore. Amusingly we have seen less of the term since Hamas were elected, democratically. "We're trying to establish Democracy in Iraq" "The birth of Democracy in the Middle East." Here's your chance to practice a little more of this 'mob rule' and see what citizenry there want to have happen in their country.

Scenario 1: Purple Voting fingers propose the Allies Leave Immediately.
American Left Pols: We've been saying this for YEARS! 'Told ya so!'
American Right Pols: Our party can save face and finally get our guys in Iran, where they belong.

Scenario 2: Purple Voting fingers propose the 'occupation' remain until Iraq is confident it can handle it's own defense providing benchmarks are attained.
American Left Pols: Now we can focus on our domestic socialist issues without having to pander to the fringe of our base. Job security, boys and girls.
American Right Pols: The people have spoken and our original plan has now been justified. In your face big media!

Certainly the issues involved are far more complex than the above illustration but after the fog is cleared a mandate for action, or inaction, is clearly stated by those who have to endure the literal explosion of their loved ones. Whether allied forces there have been a benediction or a curse can be argued by historians but in the meantime a real plan has developed endorsed by those who have to live under and amidst the ramifications. Additionally, I like the idea of putting Iraqis to the test and removing the overwhelming amount of opinion generators in media outlets everywhere telling us what the population there want.

Had Libertarians had enough strength in the American political landscape there would be no issue of whether to stay or leave since their policy of non-intervention would not have brought us there in the first place. Instead our military would be focusing on picking off Al-Qaida like ducks at an amusement park under whichever rock they tried to hide. We were attacked on 911 by a group without borders or boundaries. Nation-states sympathetic to their cause would not be so bold as to harbor them since the US would dictate, yes dictate, that wherever they go we'll be right behind 'em and be bringing a giant can of whoop-ass with us. I would imagine the Iranian & Syrian pucker-factors hovering near 9 should we have taken this alternative and preferable course of action.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Got a Single?

Taking the baby Scoots on his evening walk in the woods to clear it of all rabbits, squirrels, and other animals he would love to eat I passed by a new neighbor, just moving in. Cordial and slender she introduced herself and instead of acting normally, I acted as myself through force of habit. "Hello, what's the name of your cat?" I responded without thinking. Uh, how do you know I have a cat? Aloud I stated that I thought I saw one in the window but really it's an unspoken rule that all single gals have a cat and I have yet to encounter one that didn't.

I hoped she would be somehow aware of my misdirection and retort something to the effect of "I've been single for a long time, I've got 3 of 'em now." Sadly, life does not operate so wittily as the screenplay in my ever-so-slightly-convoluted imagination. Later I brought over cookies to welcome her in more appropriate manner and since they were chocolate chip cookies I'm not sure she realized the extent of the gift; sacrifice. Knowing full well the other cretins on the street wouldn't introduce themselves OR make eye contact it seemed proper to welcome her.

No matter who I meet, no matter where, I view all people as potential friends. Consequently it's not too infrequently that I overlook some more flagrant personality flaws being myopically focused on 'the good stuff.' At any rate, it's always fun to mingle with a single and see wahappens.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Snoop

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Wicked Woman

Rainy days and Sundays always make me want to procreate. If I lived in the US 'wetlands' there would be no time to do anything. But alas, Georgia stays plenty hot and being single, for the moment, means I can concentrate on other matters such as "how did I get into this situation" and "you're going to have to fight your own nature." To the latter it seems that my vision of the perfect gal is a stable, non-drama queen beauty. The reality is more like the nuttier she is, the more attracted I become. Since this line of hunting has been woefully inadequate for any meaningful relationship with depth and harmony it's time to fight one's instinct. Can I get an 'amen?'